The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

BURRED TO DEATH Bliot'kl iiylVJM If A ii Aged man who cannot work earns no wages. -savings. For, the laborer continued ill -hl-al th means at poverty and two things -which' revolt hii the sick laboring man it is 4.Wtr..of-thoSi health, and in she- surest, fcpoediest way.r l'crfect and Sickness swallows his Woman and a Yofln it Tlilir-i)EAl)LV-KJ2R0SENFS i sick, run-down men and women by the use of Dr. xiii i i li i yyy7niMiiHuii uuav In FlmiiPS. tierce's Medical Diiwci'4lWWt ill In t'ltiHarl Wi ll Stove ilnd 8Uo I iii in D.

alli. On the mornlnj dev tnd the birds tins their sweet songs, I 'j yt A tllfNiturc seems. to' lift smile of reverential sratitude to the -v- I blessed Creator for making the world so beautiful. The man or womi out of harmony is our of Indigestion affects one's dispo Ari i sitlon as much as disease affects the mind. 1. OfcvK th IJ of Mel-vin I I i.mml to i( i r.l Klrl was r.l ii. 1 n.ltttiuor living t. lUliake i-iirHns fiiii i tin- v. n.low of the Davis nivl found tl.c l.iu'itr, r.r.;-.' tri 1 In a Kd- had altogether failed of giving any lasting benefit. "Please aewjrt my thank folr your voiu1crTiiTKictTutircrT Golden Medical which lias brought we, from the tied' tb healthy man write Mr.

G-W. Brweo, pf Abilene, Knnt. "When I began InViiiR your medicinal was run-dovvu in health and flesh, kvl no apiKtite, had heavy fcain-Tn abdomen, backache duycines. hrtirwhf breath, aho eyes were weak, could not, do any work, lk-foro I had tried your treatment I had a good deal of medicine from home doctors, but only received teniirary relief. After using five bottle of Golden Medical Discovery I am now able to do a good day's work and do it with case.

Tlie relief was something that I could not descrilie. It has enabled me to do my work steadily ever since. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, cures diseases of 'the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and so enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food which is the only source of physical strength. When a man is as Mr was "runnlown in health and flesh and grows too weak to work, his condition points at once to disease of the stomach, as surely as weakness and loss of flesh are due to loss of nutrition.

The first thing to do Is to cure the stomach. When the stomach Kodol cures Indigestion tnd restores health to mind and strength to body. This new discovery cures the sick and strengthens the weak when all other remedies fall, because It rests the stomach and at the same time enables the digestive organs to transform all foods into nourishment. What more is needed Relieve the stomach of all nervous strain, and nourish the bodyglve It strength, and you lay the foundation for health. Kodol does not only relieve Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles, but It gives such strength and vigor to each indi vidual organ of the body that the disease is thrown off overcome entirely.

YOUR DEALER CAN SUPPLY YOU. Bottle Only. The S1.00 SUe hold timea the trial else, which atlla for SOe. I r. ii at Un-t o' the bed, fi 'inn i I I ly Hit- pirl.

Nwr ilt ntu.V v.Ms a hlaVrn-- e.l indt" I i pi cirl Uil oil Tro iiia i fa; nit Si yi ura of co. i.dlj:J at Ni iv ycEitnlay aa fa rr-uH l.cln,' her rlolhfn catiliiiiK lii'in a rid hot ttt-ivv. The atd waa aB'ifng h-T lundi nnd In drcrs I'nichod the ulove. l'c-j fore help arrive Hho fatally Hs -made-well-and strong -by -Goklun -Medical Dis-. oi i i.AV sfsi'i: ounii iliiiit-iiiiaiiVi Iat1i at Grin Grm, lii.l., Nov.

H'J. lid ward IJuls- KODOL SAVID MT JJrL For Mentor of rn I trobld ttk Drmmpf mt in ln tte form, eethmt I uwd did mi 0od. FiaoUir. MMtot Kodol tdTortiMd I trtad and. flar uUn foar Milt, I endnly and.

Kodol doMtUUullicUliMd (or tt. I MwHly rocomimod to ll arfteror Irom DrppM turrtRKo to yiuaxs. I mnerad villi Momack troubta lor 30 tfurinc irtrtcfc time 1 trtd nwy fmceie ene pert mtck mcrmy. mom Ol wktck did mt mr food. Mf oendltraa cm tn th wlwl I 4(Hlid el tnr blnf curd.

A F. Hire d-Tlxd to try Kodol. hll I felt It vie Itu IHmkful Uul I did. Mil lut cniiralr cand Hi, I th htt KoMcli wdkino In Um world. J.

R. SANFOKO. Orne. P. covery," the torpid liver becomes active, the kidneys are regulated, the heart recovers its tone, and the body is once more in perfect health.

Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical There is nothing "just as good for diseases of the stomach. MRS. CARRII CRANFILL. Tnqt. l.T.

i king was (on ml ycKttnlay about a (rum Com cation, Han- tock ill tT.j firm of Gecrge Coupi r. M. C. Il(v. ard, coioner, and i Dr.

1 nrlmoro held a foci mortem v.hkh iv.ealcl a fiaclnrj at thj base tf tiif tid a in the silo i tl.o i. Iii.i. With foiii- ouu3 men fro. i lc llanr.pi.'l'a, was hunt mlm I KtinnftkiU DWIH ol CaOMg. V.

S. A. I i an ii i 1 ri in' ki rii i ii, i-nim i ii i Vie1 i ii i rimi i ii ar i nm i i ir- FREE Dr Pferoo'a Ootnmon Senso Medloal PELLENS. SEYMOUB. Moviser containing mono than thou- ing TfiCfSrfU'ius ailorneon.

nexis. jKnatv HuisUrtj'a may axmanma ol mtaiung OHZT. Send 31 ono-oont 'ITiWioiiTir: -vn AVilliam and I'-ulvking r.a it inlcS-'d unnl yestcr- ill atampa to tarn oktth-bomd volumo, or 21 stamps for tarn book In napon oovor. Addrm Dr.

R. V. PIBtOE, Buffalo, N.Y. muiuomuuM I Jj Household ia Seymour Should Kmw Ilowto Resist day, when arcli was made for him. Iifs gun was and about three fret from his body.

There were a mmbor of In bii puckcL It C9 s. Ind." 603 N. DqlflaSt. Jndtoaj 4 r. Sf f.lmbAK vTbe back 3(ritt? Iwcatit ill It id.n-'j Southern Indiana Ky.

Time old' 1 was I wt III leal rrlsmier.4 Siihi-cted lo In- arc Iticitagt-J and uuiuarrroTl. dlffultles Wl iclt Finally Lead to Deleimiiu'il KiMult. TOAINS mi NOUTH. 8 lIIy 7:05 a. 4 i.

N. fl 6:25 p. TUAIN9 ARIUVR FliOM N0I1TH. i.t iljr Sli t. Mai km.

Nov. 29. While Nation CeniiilK'll and tlx o'hurs wore on a hunt (our miles north tf h-ro, Cacip-boil waa totally shot. The hunters wove in a when Campbell shot Secretary of American Association cf Medioal and Surgical Specialists. The Able Spocialist of tlieOiUulry.

Kill tir at the kidnej with wnk Tim back wi 1 1 ache no more l.ot if proo' Doan's Kidi ey nil. H.U It's ihe proof, for ll corus from, Sc; ni ur t'a)l. Curr rellreJ veran of the Civil war living on north Ilroadwsy nvt: I ii-rJ ton lexis of Doan's Coudi(lons ilic AVardi-ni Kxhihit An Don't delay; serious bronchial trouble or diphtheria may develop. The only safe way to apply remedy you can depend I'pon. Wrap the throjt--tflth atWh wet iot-roinng aai.

it ML Ja well in the Tbrt only one Painkiller, a labhlt. lie rn lo pick 4ip, Cliaa. tlu rabbit and Btartcd aA0etoria2Ll Camejlitll fired first and HOTEL JONAS No. 1 dully. .9:55 No.

3 3:15 p. JNX 0:30 r. TaOiltraTtarc arty par- aeiixer bctiro S'cy n-nir and West-port Leaving- at 3:15 p. arrlrlng si 7:03 a. m.

Kttfirty f4rrswwaiiiahih'i isaasy er Olympiad wh.rrte-t and from the Orient, brings a report that tlle Bu waa (UstliarKCd and tho -i-. 1 at the SHjeilan convict sottlomcnt at 'oau slruck Campijcl in the oacK. -PERRY DAVIS'." Qampbtl was a wealthy farmer. loii's. The first box which I procured atC.

V. Millions drtiif store bur.t'flt-lei uto creutti thai. I brought a Al House, Bowaj Alexandrovsk the convicts have gone on nonrihmBt, until thoy are more humanely treated. Hl Own Con. n-rri'iVed' Tlie backeche i vesnssiaie Dec; 3." -Charles Qucensvilli" Nov.

A'SWMiRhat Wiser tiia-vstsre trarriitltri BEDFORD ROUTE Ravi tr'hilc hnnfln? efh f'1tertriT'ow details of the treatment cf these tin- JenniiiRs tuiimy, cccidcntftlly shot K'P "id back of my head I can WRTTT VF. YEARS EXPERIENCE ISoufliiralitinlBaHwa was i. rills ir bnekuebe atd larr.liaeo The'raner nn Ihn an hnrl. 11 ho he Tims Table of Passenger Trains recent arrival from Fiberla. that tHey nec with a rifle.

A Strong Statement. for I proved their nierits by inyofn Xieilence." For jle by all deaU r. T'rlce OIllci'lD 1ii7xIm1. aro loaded with chains, herded In dark, unsanitary cells anil n-it taken out Into Effective) Oct 26, 1902. SOUTH BOUND TRAINS.

Hr. Mayo has (posited ONE TTIOUSANI) lMI.L,lisin tlieas bank a -forfeit that he has treated more cases of Chronic PUcum-i, and marvelous cures than any tjiree spoclalisU in tho state of Indiana Newmetb ods o' "aUuciil and new remedies used. diseases and deform it Its the open nlr for weeks at a time. In-! cents a box. Foster A Milium Co fectlous dlaeaseo have broken out HulTulo.

N. sole cent for the I Union Mills, this county, resulting amons them, but tho sick have cot i I Stales. Rcmemljer th name from the of the of ha- Doan's and tuko no tuonlilulc. La Porto, i.ov. 29.

Coroner Howell Is investigating a mystery at finding body an un-known man lying bceido the track of the Grand Trunk railroad. His body was a mass of bruises, and what puzzles the ofilcers is the manner In which he came to lib death, theories of mnr-1 der, suicide an.i accidental death being euted ii. cssfully, such as diseaicti of the Ilraln, IJ Far end Eja Stnnuun, I vor, Kidney, (Mright's) Dlsesse, Bladder, Ilectum, Female Diseases, IniM)teney, Gleet, Seminal Kmissiona, Nervous diseases, Catarrh, Rup-re, l'ilws. Stricture, I)IalxU-n, He. Consumption rnd Catarrh Cart' Be Cured.

Catieer and tumors cured without pain or use of knlfn. been removed. belnR left to Buffer in the overcrowded prison. Tha result is that others have been contaminated. Eren tho corpses of thoaa who sue-1 cumbed aro left to rot cr.iaas living.

The wardens treat all convicts, healthy nnd rick alike, with Incredible I brutality. 'T'Kis" cbnvieti curried wtrt fTITIONS. EVtltT PIT. a. a.

a. a. p. m. Terre II Llntoe 1 0 Bcehnater, n.U 'Sp 211? JitT: r.

Seymour JjncUon 9M or seyawar Me a. ii As God hns pcepaii'il an antidotal for the sin sick' aa.fp: te: AKI3EAL ShO fPBfi UAj advanced. Not him was found on the pared antidotes for a diseased sick body. Utese ran no fnuou at me Last winter un infant child or mine had croup In a violent va F.Mer John Uoers, a Christian Braoceliat, of Filey, Mo. "I Rave oliSbtnBbcrlain.

Cough Jleniedy anil jfl a short time all danger was past and the child recovered." This remedy uot only cuics croup, but when given as toon as the tftamttB-mcfiw? fs found L-t'Tis apureclute of ttfre. Too Injuries included gashes on the head, whllo both lea were it on tbeir (list vill to tlie store. The stock of goods can-led is par- many lost con.nrioitsncra rrora fast-1 Ing, hut no sufferings, Induced them to I accept food. of con After an examination we will toll vou Just hat we can do for you, if broken. cuiinot henctlt or cure you, we will frankly lell you o.

Patients ran be trestrd itcuiut ly eii assorted and U'lujt se victs In the sc-t'Iemcnt of Koktschet succossfuiiy al jnHsianoe. Wrlto for esarainatlon ana question blanks, is tree L-cted with tirchl care the deslil lir.t symptoms' appear, 111 prevent are direct to Institute. Call on or a fdreas, avsk Is still worse. Desperate revolts there have been only after orkuiansLlp nJ finish of the vai lou Workmnn's Terrible niehtnond, Ind -Nav 23. Fxodcrlck Brandt, a workman employed on ih Dn.

W. It. MAVO, fi0.1 N. Delaware Sr-w-TnilisnitnoH Ind. trttcles of tbu tiUack.

It contains nu opium i.r other hatnifjl sulstat.ce nd may lie KORTH B0UHD TRAINS. II irtJi litly TiiVtiV "rl'T Tie Hills Wonder c'6'nst fucttbti "tsftBtr new railroad bridge over tho Whitewater adult. I'o Jewelry (Tored Is hl'hjy pltasinp. nrnrh "Come On, Itoys." Now York, Nov'. 21.

Veroschasta's picture of San Juan bill, "Come on. Boys," chowlng Colonel ltoosevelt ir said by g. W. Mllhous 2 1 here's a very pleasln line of Utile novelties in OolJ. Silver and other The MadUnn Medicine Co.

owns the exclusive to manufacture Reeky ivta I Tew Tvi. old whlcJa is not. netal. Tbey are not exitensive, but ll.vl lull 1IUU1 IUD IUI Ul' IIU ture yesterday and died from his Injuries forty minutes lRtcr. Prondt was an iron-worker, a was acrcs Tw6f pans" aril feet above the river.

The Rlrder was covered with srtow and Trandt Ellppd and fell when half v.ay between spans. dd much to the charm of a costume -sfv laBMia, fa quick Gr tlese Juki the llilnp fr a $TTI0t EVERT P. A.M. AM. P.

StraIf.r Seymour Junction Oedford :19 Iodlia I 7 I Elnora. tSi Beebunur tit 1:10 Llntoa t-U Ar. Terre Haute 11:00 30 9 AH. P.M. P.

M. .6. LAUPUS, Jeweler and Optician. CHESTNUT STREET. I OolJ mornings.

W(ll ln-l 1 flc longer made by us Is a deception. Never sold in 'julk. Always puckuges at 35 ceuts. V. F.

I'ater Drug CO. Jumped on a Tea Penny Nail. little daughter of Mr. J. N.

Powell jumped on an Inverted rake made Of ten penny nails, snd phreddor Accltleii's. North Balem, Nov. Orant Pago was operating a corn shredder, seven miles south of here, he caught fcli rlglit hand la tho ma than soy oilier stove mai'e. You get more, host from fuel consumed la, these stoves ttsu In any otbrr make. 0.

S-W. TIME TABLE one nail entirely ihrorrjrh her foot and, astconJ half wai, tirtpa. Chara-berliio's I'sio Ualm wa- promptly applied and five minutes later the pain chine and had three fluscts pinched off. Hebron. Nov.

29. Ervln Zickla caught his right hand in a corn shred I Off i HERE'S A BAUGAIITs C011ECTI0XS at JUKCT10N POINTS TJnloa Station: will) Ctilcajre i Eastern Illlnole. to and Irom til cago aad tntrrmedlate points, with Vanda-lla le and from til. Louis, Indianapolis had disappeared ao'l no more suffer-Injr was esperiend. In thraa 4ays der.

It was mangled until three fin 30 in. gers had to be amputated. Koulh Bcnd.Proria and lutcrmedlate points. HEATER SZOO ana ujr irsnsivr wun uig our lo nu irum 39in, high frcmllKrWin BAST llOCND. a Rirrnr: the child was wearing her thya as usual aol -wkte aMt.

lutxly-no disci in- forL Mr. Powell Is a jmiH known fherchant uf ForkTi'nff Vii PiTo BaToT is au aoUscfctle and healH inch injuries oolnta. VEUEscnAcix Iloy's Bimpicious Death. Ilco are Invcstlgstlag the death of Jas. Keller, aten-yearold hoy," who died suddenly.

It Is believed his death was the of a blow from a negro lad. So. 12 4:40 a ...4:43 a. No; 4 a. No.

2 m. ....3:10 p. Seymcur House FuTnlsIiiug CGmsiany, No. 8 4:10 n. dlv cx Sun 4:15 p.

f- VUb 5, ivjanc gor without maturation and in one-tblrd the tlmo required by ihei, usual treat rocnt. For sale by C. VV, Mllhous. Jrjl j' -rttiu-t charging. tho head of hla men brought $18,000 at public auction last.

thirty one, Jejjirca Jij Ttrrirtiaglrr wew-enll wkhout re ii Thieves Mako'Cfean ewerp. EvanavlUo, IjuCKov.29 The bdtni 10. ft If I ntMM I4S 045. t-' "1 '-12 '-i The fo 1 lowing Is a 1 lt itf lettci a re- (op to bottom by thloves. Jewelry, WrK3TIK)CNt No.

7 10:20 a. m. dly ex Sun a. ni No. 11:20 a.

ta. dally. a. No 3 ra 11:63 p. Local -irelgbti.

trsloi Aqjb passengers. No. 6 will take passeogen west C. FKEVAfc-ont Now Is the Time money and clothes wore takon. MNTOR-With Illinois Central, to and froftf awiti City, Kavngham and tnrerme (' 4,1 ate points.

HKEHtXTKa-Wltb IndU'napoUs and Vin--'v1 icnaea to and front Vinceanes, Worthlng- Indiana wlik ii. tntaa 'it -ana from i V.f tia-oroRU Wlltt Moaon, te and from AliuacllandBlotiminirtoa. ficTMOLR JtlMCTsOM-Southern Inditai BtatsBBV with Pennsylranla, to and i- tudlanaBOlU.fcouisrUU and Intermtdlate points. kvmovr Wita 'PeBnsyWanU. to -aad trV-.

trum-Indiana pnlta.XoUTlll and Inter-. dkIUU polnu; with a A a to and Iron Cincinnati and Intermediate point aitd polot east 3 dare lWailekeie: will 1 smI tmrm ta tks es4.irlk... Central Paseenser Association Mlltai VlckeU nl he hotrared by this eesnpan Perfection Dyes To Have Your Byes Attoncs cs to "In fximtntoy thaejws-tba4aUsUmproaL- lostrunienti. Ketrkct ou your part may malnlng- In the postoCiuu at this place, and If not called for within 14 tiayi stULba aeut, UitfdpaJ. letter oftca: LADIES JKST8.

Freeman Fannie Miss Steacb Gao.C.2 Doist 3 A.Mrs. Tbomiis )o Taj tor Mr VM. ASTtats, V. M. Full assortment all the 'colors tf the rainbow, you you more mooey In ma future, to say nothing GffiSiTORIA hf the anhea anil lisias In tha.maanttme.

can do jour own KverytblnsT rusranteed at represented. Kyes tested free. To Chicago via Southern Indiana jjI- LEAVE Sevmour 7:05 a CLIcbro 4:10 p.m. w3afonti and ThrKIni Yob Haw Always Bcsrght I'L. rery iittle expense.

Make 'yoai old trloth" lookr ltite "A bousehoU mcslt.j. Dr; Thomas' Electric Iitals cuu, ro Jackson TlnderUp-f o-Date Jewelers Opticians 104 WEST SECOND JTUEET. I Seymoar p. Chloajro wounds of sni sort; cures sore throat. Geo.F.M6ii6r,:Druofllst JJlrect connoUloDt made ll Chicago of 11 rolntt tutb ltd cciltntst, For time tablee and further Intormattt apply to agents or this eempany, or to II.

II. BOHKMAff. O. P. a T.

Xi-in Tetee Iiaate, ladlaaw, croup, catarrh, asibmaj'tisvcr sLlj.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.