The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

I SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR, IND. fRIDAY, im 12, 1934 jiidiona Over Northwestern On Cortlanders Get 4641 Win Over operation. The hand.cap of only having six men to work with didn't hurt too much, Cortlanders now have a 7-1 record for the season and art Giambra Goes Ten With Scortichini In Garden, lonidit Kentucky Out Of WIT- TAGS SIXTEEN lust' behind Kentucky, as the na By. Murray Rose By Watson New'York Vf) The' National Detroit Slabber Given Gavilan Ordered To Fight Minelli Mere than 100 penwrn watched the Cortland Independents roll into two-point vlctory over the $eymour Rebels Tuesday night on the Sauers gymaslum floor.

The Rebels used eight men the Cortlanders' six, but" couldn't etop the scoring efforts of Floyd Browning and Louie Fleetwood, who combined to tally' 27 of the team's 46 Rebel men got hold of an early Chicago if-On paper, Indiana' per to' Northwestern'- fcS. "should breeze through Northwest- The Hoosiers have llmltedoppon-ern at Evanston Saturday, night In ents to 69.2 average, while the one of the Big Ten' basketball Cats have a alight edge In lhi defeatures ut it may not be that fensive department, fcy yielding easy. 68 8- The Wildcats broke a five-game Indiana's 6-10 center, Don losing streak In defeating Ohio Schlundt, continue! at a record State Monday, 89-71, for their sec. scoring pace with. a 30.2 average, end conference victory In' eight well over the all-time average of starts.

A capacity "crowd 6110,0028 set byowa'i i Chuck Uarllrif. at MeGaw Memorial Hall will be Illinois' John Kerr also is ahead creaming for an upset. of the record scoring average, with But odds point heavily to the 27.7. Hoosiers, unbeaten In eight Big top scorer is ZSLu rrwk Ehm.nn with 17.7. He I the conference In field goal accU- nnked conference, tion's only other undefeated team, 4nd.

Western. Kentucky sia While -ruling out the NIT, for Kentucky Shively and coach Adolph Rupp said -the Wildcats might try for the NCAA title; pro-; vided wins the SEC-championship. Kentucky can not use Its three top scorers, All r1iff Hagan Frank "Ramsey and Loui Tsioropoulos, because of a rule against post-grad uate students in NCAA events. College Basketball Br Anoelatod Ptcm. Just behind another Hoosier star, St Johns (Bkn.) 62 Richmond 5SM New' York AWoey Giambra isn't taking Italo Scprtichlnl Ught- ly.

even if he is a 3-1 favorite to win the telecast Madison Square Garden 10-rounder tonight The handsome, 21-year-old eighth ranked middleweight -eon- tender remembers too well his up. set a month when Bobby Dykes outpointed "Giambra and snapped Joey's 11-flght, 16-month winning streak" The loss cost him lucrative shot with Joey Giar- dello, the current No. 2 contender. "Scortichini held Carmen Basil- lo to a draw last month and that's a good enough recommendation for him," said The 24-year-old Italian made his best showing of a year's 4 campaigning in the U. S.

when he fought Basllio, No. 1 welterweight contender, to a draw Jan. 16. Italo'sTecord In the United States Is 4-4-1. He has lost to Chico Vejar, Joe Juliano, welter weight champion Kid Gavilan and middleweight contender Gil Turn-er.

His over-all record is 23-11-4. Joey stands 5-11 to Jtalo's 5-7. Giambra has stopped 21 of his 40 rivals. His record is 36-3-1. The bout will be broadcast (ABO and telecast (NBC) coast to coast at 9 p.

CST. NCAA Says 60 College Netters Averaging 20, New York V-NCAA Service Bureau statistics show tod ay that 60 college basketball playerr are averaging 20 points or more this season. Bevo Francis, of course, tops the Kst "With a- whopping "48.t In 19 games. Back of the Rio Grande flash are Vine Leta of Lycoming with 31.5; Clarence Burks of St Augustine's with 30; Bill Warden of North Central with 29.7, and Ralph Bacote of St Paul's Poly with 29.5. A year ago only 29 players were at the 20-plua mark this late in the Indiana; was heavily favored against Northwestern last season, but the champions barely beat the wildcats, B8- ana wen wo mi overtime.

Iowa currently leads the Big Ten In field goal percentage with .393, while Ohio State has dropped to third with .382. Wisconsin Is first in free throw percentage with 688 followed by Ohio State with .681 and Illinois with .680. In other Big Ten games Satur day, Illinois 5-3 plays at Wis consin 4-3; Iowa 7-D at Minne sota 6-2: Michigan (2-5) at Ohio State (2-7. and Michigan State (3-5) at Purdue l-8. Ing with the NaUohal Collegiate basketball tournament for.

the best teams, has lost Ken tucky but may capture, the na tion's highest scorers. Kentucky; "the 'V nation's top- ranked team and one of the two undefeated teams, will not. ask tne Sioutneasiern vpmerence- vo waive its rule against NIT eom- petition, athletic director Bernie Shiveley announced Thursday night New York University's 75-63 win over Manhattan Just about erased the committee's last hope for an outstanding local attraction. Man hattan's record is now 11 vic tories and eight defeats, NYU is 7-7 and St John's of Brooklyn only 7-8 even after nipping Rich mond 62-59 Thursday night The NIT could solve its prob lems with Furman's Frank Selvy and Bevo Francis of Rio Grande, who between them will hold Just about every collegiate scoring record by tournament time next month. Selvy' Thursday night scored 51 points In Furman's 114-67 romp over Georgia Tech, running his 2V4-year career total to 2,097.

That's only 57 shy of the four year record of 2,154 set by Jim Lacy of Baltimore Loyola in 1949. Francis' 48.9 points per game average dominates the small college field Just as Selvy's 37.6 mark towers over the major colleges Little Rio Grande has no technicalities barring it from the NIT, bt Purman-would. be bound -to. play in the NCAA tournament if it wins the Southern Conference tournament March 4-6. Even if the Southerners lose out, they'd have to get conference permission to accept an NIT bid.

The NIT gained its third team Thursday when Dayton, with a 19-5 record in tough competition, accepted a bid. Duquesne, ranked Boston fl Promoter Sam Sil verman said today that welterweight boxing champion' Kid Gavilan has been ordered by the International Boxing Guild to fulfill a non-title 10-rounder scheduled here against Livio Minelli March 8. Silverman said Cavilan'a manager. Angel Lopez; Jad protested Gavilan "Would be Unable to fight Boston Garden, because, the March date was too close to the scheduled middleweight title bout between champion Bobo Olson and Gavilan in Chicago April 2. "But we had a contract signed with Lopes before he got the fight with 01800," Silverman said, "and the International Boxing; Guild upheld our claims." The promoter said Lopez was ordered -by the guild to post a 37,500 forfeit in case.

Gavilan falls to go through tvith. the Boston bout Ashenfelter Will Try Indoor Two-Mile Mark By Ed Corrigan New'York Horace. Ashen' felter, who probably could run to Alaska, without breathing hard, will make an all-out assault on the world indoor two-mile record at the New York Athletic Club games. Saturday night He'll be shooting at Fred Wilt's mark of 8:50.7, AshenJelier with Wilt's record for a year and, In fact he pushed Freddie to the mark two years ago was about a second behind his brother FBI agent "He-ran the distance in 8:33.3 effort in the Mill rose Games last week and was ahead of Wilt's rec ord pace up to the final quarter- mile. School" Sentence For Ice-Picking Basketballer Detroit VA 16-year-old high school student must spend the next three years ln a training school as a result of the Icepick stabbing of a high- scnooli namewsupwyer v-: Probate Judge George Edwards so ruled mursaay aiter py chlatrlsts reported the boy "hostile and impulsive." Ross DeBoskey, 17, the stabbing victim; was attacked by the 16- year-old and several companions following' night basketball game.

DeBoskey is recovering. Three older boys are awaiting sentence for assault and battery. Fight Results By Associated Pros San rranclsco Bill Gilliam, 209, Orange, N. J. outpointed Leonard Morrow, 192, Oakland, Calif, 10.

NewarkTK- J- Augie Salazai, 136, Hayward, outpointed Bob Fenty, 132, New York 8. Philadelphia Jimmy Soo; 134, Phila'delphla, stopped 'Bobby Glory, 129, Peeksklll, N.Y., 4. the win column. Shelby could do It, too. They auau aiu'" wuncie cenirai bhjt of the season and beat Richmond fcy six points in December.

The one "watch on the Golden Bear young Bob Cowherd, eUrUng center. Seymour fans will remcm5eT tad fnm his back letd work on the Sheiby durlng footbaU season. The Owls appear to be. with out the services of Dick Schroer, who has been away from practice lor a few days with the flu. The boys have still got the attitude.

NYU 75 Manhattan 63 St Bdnaventure 87 Siena 64 -SL. Francis (Bkn 82 CCNY 52 Furman lli Georgia Tech 17 Wake, Forest 76 North Carolina 62 Maryland 76 Wash-Lee 43 Butler 79 EvansviUe 67 St. Josephs (Ind.) 81 Valparaiso 66 Eastern Illinois 80 Indiana State 77 A-a, Rose Poly 69 Oakland City 65 Adolphus 90 Augsburg 77 Lewis ail) 79 Chicago Tchrs. 69 Stevens. Point 65 Superior (WisJ 58 Uncle Sam Helps Cincinnati P) The Redlegs are expecting to strengthen their' 4954 '-pitching staff with the.

help of UncleSanv r- Three young hurlers, scheduled to. Join the Cincinnati varsity in 1952 but called vice instead, soon will be In base- ball uniforms again. luh Tom Acker and Moe Savransky have received their discharges. Rudy Mlnarciri ia expected to return to civilian status before the baseball season progresses far. All three pitched for Buffalo in the International League in 1951.1 Owls-Golden Bears Tonight Shelbyville's Golden Bears will their last chance to get mark ln ccme to call on the Shields Owls tonight for the final home game of Hie tOCal atliuuia tuimi season.

The game is necessary for both Mm. The Owls need the game to stay on the top ot ine soutn tenirai Conference 1 1 ConnersviUe, whUe the Golden Bears neea ineur urst ana oniy coniercnce victory. wla.r. lleduB. wthCimriri vllle for the SCC title, both teams having lost only one conference game.

The Bears have lost seven SCC games in a row and this is i mi i i 11 I lead by hitting the first two buckets, but couldn't hold it long. Cortlanders began throwing them in and the Rebel lead was cut to a single point 'by the time the quarter The rest of the game went to Cortland all the way.1 They bounced into the lead late In the second stanza and. when the whistle blew, held a single point pver the Three quarters of play disclosed the difference in the two teams. Cortlanders racked in 16 points in the third while the Rebs only got 13. Cortland squad led by a neat four points when the section came to a halt at 34-30.

Rebs tried hard ln the fourth, hitting 14 points while holding the Cortlanders down to 12, but the third period jnargin was too much, and the Cortlanders took home the win, 46-44. Floyd Browning was top Cort-lander and high man for the night He got 17 points from five buckets nd seven gift shots. Runner up wss Louie Fleetwood, who got 10 points from three field shots and a quartet of free throws. Rebel Jack Green was pacer for the -lwlng- team, Jiitling six from the field and four from the stripe for a 16-polnt game. His runner-up was Bob Green who hit 10 points with four shots and a pair.

Speed was an asset to the Cort landers, who had to play with Just six gocd men. Carl Nelson, who played with a bad knee, didn't get any points, but stopped-a few that the Rebs may have gotten. The Cortlanders also played with out the services of Joe Grant whe missed out because of I a receni LI ASTER now on America's foremost At Unusual Saving 1 7h i frca Ifiw Cert Most Bakes and aisea Driven lass thaa 150 mQ Look new, act new Iff. vi aMM I WHH: I uiLii'fwiiii II xAvVv A GEORGE'S SERVICE STATION ta Ji I I I If 11 II Jl L- Nil r-fr- I fT .1 racy, ouung vi urcu shots. Northwestern has mark Indiana has hit .660 per cent of Its fret throws to the Wildcats .635, and is averaging 78.6 points kipStahley Picked New Idaho.

Grid Mentor -Forward Pass Expert Idaho J. Neil "Skip" Stahley, backfield coach tor the professional Chicago Cardinals' and expert on the forward pass, was picked Thursday as the man to lift up the fallen football fortunes of Idaho. Stahley will name Ms own assistants, the university said in announcing the appointment, While Stahley was head coach it Brown University his teams set record for passing yardage. Later, as assistant to Howie Odell the University of Washington, Stah'leV helped direct Wpassmf Skill of All-America quarterback Pon Helnrich. 1 Officials, who wouldn't disclose Stahleys salary, said he was hired a year-to-year basis, "the same fts any other faculty member." His predecessor, Raymond "Babe" Curtman, resigned under pressure last fall after a season In which-Idaho-won-only one game in 10 starts.

As a part time member of the Pacific Const Cm ference. Idaho Plays only the loop's northern schools, (V1 la jmt pwM Ima, 1 0 v. tetrad 1 fa 'T)siZ0Z: II mH'vi in nni4 yX a A 4 y-'t-ff'fmi- I on each U.S. ROYAL Don't wait sat right skid protection and bt sac for sure on slickest streets. Show us your certificate when you get our top trade-in allowance for 1 or more of your worn tires and we'll add $4 to your allowance.

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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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