Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (2024)


Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (1)

Leveling Up

Level 1 to 32

Versatile • Survivability


This is a solid leveling build for Axton, focusing on core skills to establish a solid foundation from the start. Instead of trying to reach the end of a skill tree, this build ensures that Axton has both survivability and good firepower.

The playstyle with this leveling build is engaging with enemies and making use of your turrets to take down enemies. With enhanced damage, increased fire rate and health regeneration, this build gears you up for a solid start in Borderlands 2.


For solo, this build helps Axton take on multiple enemies or powerful enemies without constantly dying. The essential skills in the build help you move through enemies with confidence. So whether it’s an early boss or annoying groups of enemies, you’ll be ready to deal with them all.


For coop, this build is a good start, Axton can use the Sabre Turret from a longer range, to distract enemies while the team deals with bigger enemies.


Level 0-5:Level up to level 5.

Level 5:Unlock Sabre Turret

Level 5-10:Points on Preparation
+15% shield capacity and +2% health regeneration every second while shield is full.

Level 10-15:Points on Impact skill
+20% gun damage and +15% melee damage.

Level 15-20:Points on Ready skill
+40% reloading speed.

Level 20-25:Points to Sentry skill
+5 shots for each Sabre Turret burst and +10s to Sabre Turret’s duration.

Level 25-26:Only 1 point on Scorched Earth
Add pods with multi-rockets to your turret with 22 rockets in each volley.

Level 26-31:Points on Metal Storm
You will get a +60% Fire Rate and +75% Recoil Reduction after killing an enemy for a short time.

Level 31-32:Point on Longbow skill
+10,000% range to deploy your turret and +110% turret health.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (2)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (3)

Double Up

Level 50

Turret • Slag • Well-balanced


The Double Up build for Axton is great for increasing your Sabre Turret’s effectiveness. With this build, your Sabre Turret can slag enemies, which increases the damage enemies take. This is a great build that creates a good balance between Axton and its Turret.

When using this build, the main thing is to deploy your Sabre Turret strategically, which will determine the outcome of your battles. The additional damage and slag effect from the Double Up skill ensures that Axton can easily take enemies down.


In Solo, the Sabre Turret acts as an additional ally, which changes the whole scenario for your battles. This helps you focus on weakened enemies from the turret or on high-priority targets. The power and versatility of the Sabre Turret mean that Axton wouldn’t constantly need cover or have to retreat.


The build works pretty similarly in Coop, the Sabre Turret can take the heat off the battle while you and your allies can focus on taking down more powerful enemies without getting distracted. As mentioned, the Sabre Turret is like an additional ally which is never a bad idea for any team. So you and your team will have a much easier time in the game using this build.


The skills Double Up, Scorched Earth and Sentry are important as they increase your Sabre Turret’s overall damage.

Regarding Axton’s survivability, the skills Willing, Able and Preparation ensure that Axton has better shield and health regeneration.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (4)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (5)


Level 50

Two Turrets • Survivability


The Gemini build is all about placing and using the double Sabre Turrets at their best. This turns Axton into an absolute master controller of the battlefield, which helps you shift the dynamic of the fights to suit you. With this build, you will have area denial, crowd control, and even the ability to be safe with the Sabre Turrets’ Phalanx shields.

For this build to work well, you have to place your Sabre Turrets strategically to take control of the field. I recommend placing your Turrets on ceilings so they can’t be hit by melee enemies. With two Sabre Turrets, you can cover multiple areas and stay within the Sabre Turrets’ Phalanx shields to attack enemies.


In solo, this build will help Axton become a one-man army. The ability to have two Sabre Turrets on the field is unparalleled when it comes to crowd control and dealing damage. The Sabre Turrets can also protect Axton with the Phalanx shields, especially, if you place the Sabre Turrets side-by-side then Axton can benefit from a double Phalanx shield.


The build does not fall short in coop, offering great value to both Axton and the team. The Sabre Turrets can be your additional allies and protect your teams with their Phalanx shields or distract enemies while you deal lethal damage. All of this allows your team to capitalize on important enemies or objectives to help get things done faster and safer.


The main skill for this build is Gemini, which enables you to use simultaneously two Sabre Turrets.

Other important skills for increased survivability are Healthy, Preparation, Quick-Charge and Willing, you’ll gain increased maximum health and faster shield regeneration.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (6)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (7)


Level 51

Fun • Explosive • Nuclear blast


As the name suggests, this build is all about explosions. When the Sabre Turret is deployed it sets off a nuclear blast that deals a good amount of damage to enemies, even through walls. This build also improves Axton’s overall damage and focuses on weapons with explosive damage, so you don’t have to completely rely on the Sabre Turret.

With this build, you want to initiate the fight by deploying your Sabre Turret close to enemies so they get hit by the nuclear blast. Then let your Sabre Turret distract the enemies while you take enemies down with explosive-elemental weapons. Unlike the other builds, the Sabre Turret doesn’t have much power and use, apart from the nuclear blast and distracting enemies.


The Nuke build shines in solo as a fun build to play with. Deploy as often as you can your Sabre Turret to enjoy the nuclear blast. However, this build is going to make it difficult for you to solely rely on the Sabre Turret, meaning solo play will be challenging and there will be more threats for you to deal with. But the explosive damage and fun of this build make all that well worth it.


In coop, the Nuke skill can be a bit weak, however, Axton’s damage-dealing skills are in the Nuke skill tree, meaning that Axton can serve as a good damage dealer for the team. You can also send in your Sabre Turret to distract enemies and create openings for you and your team.


As this build name suggests, the most important skill is Nuke. Additionally, investing in the Longbow skill enables Axton to deploy the Sabre Turret from a longer distance and deal good damage to enemies with the nuclear blast.

You will also have two kill skills Metal Storm and Onslaught which improve Axton’s gun damage, movement speed, fire rate and recoil.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (8)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (9)


Level 72 OP8

Bee shield • Two turrets • Slag


The BeeFour build is all about maximizing the Bee shield gun damage boost when fully charged. By investing in skills that speed up shield reload and reduce recharge delay, Axton can benefit greatly from the Bee damage boost. Additionally, Axton can deploy two Sabre Turrets that can slag enemies. With the combined damage boost from the Bee Shield and the slag effect from the Sabre Turrets, Axton becomes a real powerhouse commando, dealing an impressive amount of damage.

To play this build, you will have to adapt the hit-and-run playstyle. You’ll want to deploy the two Sabre Turrets strategically, so they can slag and distract enemies. While Axton’s shield is full, go out and take as many enemies down as you can; when you get hit and the shield is down, hide and wait for it to refill.


This build is very strong and fun in solo because Axton doesn’t fully rely on the Sabre Turrets to take enemies down. Also, the Sabre Turrets can protect Axton with the Phalanx shields, to help him stay in the back to wait for the Bee shield to refill. This build improves Axton’s global characteristics, such has his survivability with health and shield regeneration but also his damage with increased gun damage and fire rate.


The BeeFour build is great in coop mode, with the Bee shield and the extra damage skills, Axton becomes a real damage dealer in the team. In addition, having 2 Sabre turrets with the ability to slag enemies and protect you and your team with the Phalanx shield can make a real difference, it’s like having two extra allies on the battlefield.


For this build to work, we want to focus on shield regeneration skills to optimize the Bee damage boost bonus, such as Willing, Preparation and Quick charge.

Then we want to invest in Gemini and Double Up to improve the Sabre Turrets efficiency, with these two skills Axton will be able to deploy simultaneously two Sabre Turrets that fire slag bullets.

We will also invest in two important kill skills: Onslaught and Metal Storm, for a short period of time after killing an enemy Axton’s damage and fire rate are increased.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (10)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (11)


Level 72 OP8

Grenades • Mobbing


This build is perfect if you like to devastate your enemies with non-stop grenade action. The build excels at clearing groups of enemies due to the high area-of-effect damage from grenades. You want to invest in the skills that boost your grenade damage and maximize enemy casualties. Overall, this build is ideal for anyone wanting to bring an explosive approach to combat.

To play this build, toss grenades left and right to make it rain explosives. Aim to bounce grenades off walls or corners to hit enemies behind cover or around corners. Carry a slag grenade as it maximizes damage output and helps you exploit vulnerabilities. Do not forget to use your turret as a distraction while you keep the explosions rolling.


Playing this build solo is very satisfying as you throw grenades and watch the chain reaction of explosions. Be mindful of your positioning and stay close enough to enemies to hit them with grenades but far enough to avoid excessive damage.


Playing this build as CO-OP is so much fun as you don’t rely on the turret. Your grenades become a valuable asset in clearing rooms and large groups of enemies. Your primary job is to focus on supporting your team by focusing on grenade damage, while your teammates can handle other tasks like reviving fallen allies or dealing single-target damage. Good to know, there’s no friendly fire in Borderlands 2, meaning your grenades can’t harm your teammates.


Max out Grenadier to boost grenade damage. Invest in Steady for improved grenade and rocket damage.

Invest points in Battlefront to boost your damage when the turret is deployed.

In the Survival Skills Tree, go for Healthy and Preparation for maximum health capacity and shield regeneration.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (12)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (13)


Level 80 OP10

Torgue • Explosive • Fun


This build, as you can guess, is all about explosions, especially from grenades and splash damage. With Torgue guns, famous for their splash damage, and the right skills, Axton can deal a lot of damage. Plus, every time Axton’s Sabre Turret is deployed, it creates a nuclear blast and can fire slag bullets. When you combine Torgue guns with the Sabre Turret’s ability to slag enemies, you get one of the best builds for Axton in UVHM.

First, deploy your Sabre Turret close to enemies so they get hit by the nuclear blast. Then, let your Sabre Turret slag the enemies around while you deal damage using grenades and Torgue guns. If you’re low on health, find cover. Let the Sabre Turret distract the enemies while you regain health using the Grog Nozzle.


This build is strong and fun when playing solo mode. It strikes a great balance between Axton and his Sabre Turret, so you’re not just depending on the turret. In UVHM, using slag is key to defeating enemies. With this build, you won’t need to constantly swap guns to slag enemies because your Sabre Turret will handle it for you.


There are a few advantages of this build in coop mode. Firstly, Axton’s Sabre Turret ability to slag enemies which will let you and your team more time to focus on damage output rather on slaging enemies. Secondly, Axton’s high explosion damage with Torgue guns and grenades which can clear maps in seconds.


To improve Axton’s overall damage, invest in Impact, Battlefront and Steady. Also, don’t forget these 2 great kill skills: Onslaught and Metal Storm, for increased damage and fire rate each time you take down an enemy.

Then, it’s important to invest in Double Up and Nuke, so the Sabre Turret can fire slag bullets and release a nuclear blast each time it’s deployed.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (14)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (15)


Level 80 OP10

Turrets • Slag • Mobbing


This Soldier build is great for mobbing and raid bosses. With this build, Axton will have a versatile playstyle that can handle most of the game’s content. It relies on powerful weapons with high damage and two Sabre Turrets shooting slag bullets. By investing in skills to increase damage, fire rate, and speed, the Soldier build turns Axton into a real powerhouse.

To play this build, you’ll want to deploy your Sabre Turrets first thing when you encounter a group of enemies, let them take the aggro and slag enemies, while you take them down with your guns and grenades. Don’t forget, for faster cooldown, pickup the Sabre Turrets. If health is getting low, don’t hesitate to throw one or two longbow transfusion grenades to regain health.


The Soldier build is amazing when playing solo. With two Sabre Turrets by Axton’s side, taking down groups of enemies becomes a breeze. But be careful, as this build doesn’t prioritize survival skills, you’ll need to keep an eye on your health. If you find yourself in Fight For Your Life, thanks to the Do or Die skill, you can throw grenades and easily come back to life.


This build is fantastic in coop mode. Having two Sabre Turrets that can slag enemies is a huge advantage. Axton can deploy one Sabre Turret for distraction and another on a wall or ceiling to slag enemies while staying out of melee enemies’ reach. However, the Sabre Turrets will not deal heavy damage; it will be Axton’s and your teammates’ role to take enemies down.


With Double Up and Gemini skills, Axton can deploy two Sabre Turrets that can slag enemies. Also, invest in Longbow to increase the Sabre Turrets’ health.

To improve Axton’s global characteristics, invest in these two kill skills: Onlsaught and Metal Storm. Also, remember these essential skills: Expertise, Steady, and Battlefront.

Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (16)
Axton the Commando Builds | Borderlands 2 (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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