The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

sahib went away; and the muster had no longer any heart for anything but to stay on In the gray house. When pext the master- learned of you you were a) sea, sabib and after that he watched your comings and your goings IHhie -Maift of 1 "And all this time Ram Gulab Singh gave no sign. Then camethe time that word reached the master that you had tatfen berth upon the Upolo. to trade among the Islands of Ram Gulab Singh and upon the master fell again the ohf fire, for he knew that It was the hand of Ram Gulab IFJfoe 000 0 0 Singh that struck. "I sahib, he sent here Immediately to spy upon them, and this I learned Drink-House Sam, taking with him the Chinese of whom the sahib knows, was sent to Shanghai to wait the coming of the Tokamaru, the sahib's ship; and there at the time the Upolo was In 'I port.

He bribed the man who was mate to leave the vessel, and also some of the crew, that there might be room for the men he had brought; and then, through the influence of others of Ram Gulab Singh's agents jn higher quar ters, the captain, who was tin honest man. was led to induce you to sail with him In the other's "Rut sahib, all this I did not learn at once; and meanwhile your father, knowing well what threatened, had sropied at Honolulu and chartered the Some of the smartest ap- rT I pearing women are really I stout, but no One suspects I it Their secret is kept by JPr I I the Rengo Belt Reducing I Stout women who have I studied the true art of Lj jlmWh I corseting know that the uMlinT)n IfluMx I "Rengo" gradually moulds UV4 I J(Lrl 7 I the generous figure into i HU nj lvv' I slender lines. 1JJJ 1 1 11 nj I Strong Rengo Belt jfl I llVTVv 1 Double Watch-Spring Steels fj 1 1 YYt I Sceelaatic Webbing I fl Wxll 1 I are exclusive "Rengo" features. Uyw I I ll-dlWli II I Rengo Belt Reducing Corsets Igl Maf I give you a feeling of glorious ijjllli Jllll 1U-' I I freedom together with the com- iffl II ll irm II 1 fort of all necessary support 111 I They are famous for their shape- fkZZrV I'MVA retaining quality. I If I I Pricts of Rtngt Belt Corsitt Ik I lw--Y5vH I Vr ft $10 rLl HgiM'g lkWjJlr I GOLD MINE DRY GOODS I CUMPANY br mm km If I Monleigh, as the sahib knows, to fol low the Upolo in the hope that he might reach you In time before the work was done.

You know hm, at least you have heard about him and you will hear more of him. He's the sort who as a young man laid out his scheme of life and followed it through. During the war he put his money into Liberty bonds instead of squandering it with so-called "good fellows." He saved his money and is a national asset not a public liability. He is a saver of of vitality, of' self respect. He has faith in himself and in his country.

He banks on the future. So he knows he must bank in the present. He saves what he can each week. He saves regularly and watches it grow. He cannot help succeeding because he has the habit of saving systematically.

His savings placed in our savings department bring him 3 per cent, interest. His regular checking account has careful attention at our bank. His valuable papers are absolutely safe in our fireproof, burglar-proof vault. Let us talk over with you our facilities for handling your banking business as well as his. "Sahib, there is but of the murder of Drink-House Sam to tell.

Here in Singapore I have crept into the house of the banker Loo, an eld and crafty Chinese fox, who is the chief agent of Ram Gulab Singh. And it was there I leaned of Drink-House Sam. who, though he was one of them, was hated by them because his demands for monev were ever insistent, and be cause, sahib, with the years be knew too much to be refused. "And there to that house came the Kanaka tonight; and there, too, came word that you had made trouble at Drink-House Sam's. And.

sahib, as wolves that feed upon themselves, and because It would seem that ihe guilt would fall upon the stranger, upon you sahib, who had come and fought al ready with Drink-House Sara tonight. 'they went, sahib, and did even as you have seen. Would the sahib, too, have paid with blood for'hls father's blood? "I meant to do that tiling myself; but because I could not escape from where I was hidden in the house until all were gone, I was (oo late. Sahib, Jackson County Loan and Trust Co. the tale Is told." ft ft ft ft ft ft No word came from Wallen.

For a long time he sat Immovable while a cloud obscured the moon, aud the riding lights of the vessel gleamed and twinkled brighter In the greater dark-ness. and until the moonlight strug- W. H. BURKLEY gled forth again In a silver, waving path until there came a little splash IMPOSTOR in the distance, as though a fish had Seymour, Indiana REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN Jumped. Then Wallen raised his head.

mil At the sound Gunga too had stirred. for now he dlped his oars and rowed on toward I be Monleigh. And then he spoke again Seymour to Indianapolis Hoosier Flyers leave Seymour for Columbus, Edinburg, Franklin, Greenwood and Indianapolis at 9 AS and 11:18 a. m. and 1:18, 3J8, 6:18 and 8:18 p.

m. Local Cars leave Seymour for Indianapolis and all intermediate points at 6:55, 8:05, 9:55 and 11:55 a. and 1:55, 3 5, 5J8, 8:00, 10:00 and p. m. Car marked runs to Columbus only.

For special service see Scott riardin, local agent, or address Bert Weedon, G. F. P. 510 Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind. "Wash your hands, sahib," he said in low tones, "for they are red." By FRANK L.

PACKARD F. H. HEIDEMAN Pianos, Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum Funeral Director Piano and Pipe Organ Tuning C. H. OROEGE the water the master's cii.lnss bad severed three fingers from the hand of Ram Uulab Singh such, sahib, Is the reading of the paper with the one-fingered hand.

"Sahib, this time the government took heed, for we had prisoners who confessed; but against these Ram Culiih Singh sent many to take the oath that lie had been elsewhere ut the time. And so again was not the full measure of proof, but mv master pressed the matter and asked that an armed font be sent ngainst Ham (Ju-lnb Singh. Sahib, if that had been done, all would have been well. "Instead, the government deemed It wise to bring only great dishonor upon Ham (Juhib Singh, and they stripped Ham Cuhib Sitit-li of all rank and thorlty. and for several years patrolled the waters of the island closely." (Junga paused.

The muscles of his face were twitdiing again and the hard, tlintlike gleam I a once ii.ore in the coal-Uuil; eyes tliat always swept the wa'i'f, that never lucked V'v "Sahib, it was because of your mother, belore you were bom. that the master bit the Kast. The heart of Ham Culnh Siiifh was black with hate and revenge tilled his soul. It Is too long a story to tell now, sahib. (Jreat wealth was his; those in his pay were everywhere.

"Twice he tried to bring wors than deatii uioti the master by attacks upon your mother. And the second time, sahib" Gunga's hands around the oars tightened until the knuckles were as white knobs protruding from the At the gangway Gunga sent the boat adrift with a push toward the Mon-lelgh's stern; and Wu lien, with the other behind him, mounted to the bo tit deck. There was no one on the bridge; and if there was an anchor-watch at Km gtfMI smear across his pocket. Tie had for all, the man was asleep, for they had come alongside unnoticed. gotten that! It was when he had felt for a match.

In the doorway of the captain's cabin "Aye, I'm ready," said Laynton Wallen halted, with Gunga beside him. tumour again. I was sitting up for you. There were empty glasses on the lock Kerkon finding that hap was your business, eh? Well, 1 For (Jod's sake, what's that?" er and an mpty bottle. Captain Layn-ton fully dressed, was snoring in his bunk.

He sut up with a start at Wul-len's second knock. (Copyright.) "It was a that I would to Allah I might wv again before 1 die. for my arm Is still strong and my blood Is the hlood of yotilh. mid the years count not. They fought ns reptiles fight who must either tight or die.

Hut half esenjKMl, nnd those hy swimming to the proas which, In their first onslaught, after all had come on hoard of us, we hud cut udrift from the schooner's, sides. "Many times in the melee my master tried to single out Ham Gulah Sit'gh, that they might meet face to face, but It was only at the last the master came upon the other as Ram Gulab Singh was climbing over the rail to escape, and his hand was on the rail, but before he had dropped into -8 h(s It came sudden, quick as the crack "Hello!" he blinked. "Oh. you, Mr. Last Car Leaves Louisville 11 J5 p.

m. Dixie Flyers leave Seymour for Crothersville, Scottsburg, Jeffersonville and Louisville at 9 J.1, 11 Jl a. and 2 ill, 4 ill, 6dl and 9:11 p. m. Local Cars leave Seymour for Louisville and all intermediate of doom two revolver shots in rapid succession from without and then silence.

Wallen! And" he blinked again at Gunga "who's this you've got here?" Wallen whirled and rushed on deck. "My father's servant Gunga." Wal 1 points at 6:00, 8. -00, 10:00 a. 12:00 3. -00, 5:00, 7.

-00, 8 J.0 and 11 :00 p. m. Cars marked run to Scottstmrjf, only. len answered. "You remember, I asked you about him.

Gunga. this Is Captain Laynton." with Laynton stumbling madly lehind him. There was no one in sight save Gunga, who came running to meet them from the rail though now from forward, the crew evidently aroused. INDIANAPOLIS 4 LOUISVILLE TRACTION RAILWAY CO. The East Indian salaamed gravely I and profoundly and Hepped respect came commotion.

fully back out onto the deck. away from the cabin. "What was It?" shouted Laynton ex citedly. "Who fired those shots?" Captain Laynton stared at Wallen. "They seemed to come from there.

Then he rubbed bis eyes and stared again. Captain Sahib," Gunga answered Impassively nd pointed forward. Jeeream "My word!" he ejacul*ted. "You With an oath Captain Layniou look as though you'd been in a bally Jumped for the ladder and swung him swarthy skin "it was only hy a thai -he was cd. P.Ut, sahib, It killed In en It it were mouths afterward when your father had hidden her In the gray house the sahib knows, for she was with child then, aud when you were born she died.

"And then, sahib, the master stayed on there to protect you. as he had promised your mother he would do. But even there irwas not further than the arm of Ram Gulab Singh could reach. Does thie sahib remember the night as a child he crawled from bed and came down the stairs, and there was a man dead upon the floor "I remember," said Wallen in a voice he did not recognize as his own. "And then.

GnngaT" "And then." said Onnca. "the vouns fight." self down to the foredeck. "Do IT smiled Wallen. "A few OVER-EATING th root of iariy all KMtiv rfla. If yordiftiaU weak or oat of kilter, Utter MlbMudw RKlQIDi the aid to Utter digeatkta.

Ploaaaat to teko effective. Let Ki-moitU kelp straighten oat yoar difoatiro troablM. MADK BY SCOTT ft BOWNC uakim or ocoTra emulsion SEYKOUR PUKING MILL CO. Mill Work and Building Material Paints and Oil Builders Hardware Phone 19. 418 S.

Chestnut St. Seymour, Indiana. wharf -rats, that's all. captain. We'll Wallen's eyes met Gunga's.

"Sahib," said Gunga softly, "shall get under way now. If you're ready." ANY QUANTITY BOTTLED COCO COLA INTERURBAH STATION Scott Ilardin, Mgr. "Aye, I'm 'ready," Laynton replied a viper sting twice? I was watching In the boat, for I knew we were ahead he was still staring, only more fixtdly of him. He swims well, but once he splashed. It was Kanaka.

He will now at Wallen'B clothes. Wallen, following the direction of the other's eyes, glanced down and his own eyes fixed on ugly ret) swlni no more, sahib." (TO BB CONTINUED) And Father didn't know it I DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS I ICN0Af I'M YOU HAVE. NO I I iki tup nnjiw-AolW e.RI'.r.,irrT RAH 1 1 Ut TMCB- APPETITE 1 1 1 (lM FOR MA1 MiVTTA.M NNE.P- 7 MV WHAT Vflu i hi rE II iq Mill I a 1.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.