The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

PAGE FOUR SEYMOUR QAltiV TOIBUNEr SEYMOUR, INDIANA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1970 1 CARROLL RIOHTER'S- 'One of these' days it might not blovif SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE 1879 Issued Every IV Except Sunday iSM L4Vl-lWIVlVlJJ TV VS. IV from the Carroll Righter Institute For Tomorrow GENERAL TENDENCIES: Most everyone is Second Class Postage Paicl Of Seymour, Indiana 47274 by the Seymout -Tribune Inc. THOMAS WCOfjiWEft, Publisher MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PBESS The Associated Press is entitled' to exclusive use of all local news printed in this-newspaper as well as all AP news Represented nationally by Mathews, Shannon tc Cullen, New York, Boston, Chicago; Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Philadelphia. Atlanta. Pittsburgh.

Syracuse and Charlotte. Tax Snooping apt to be too emotional today and tonight. To put things in its proper perspective; is wise. By being very objective, much can be achieved, especially whatever applies to home conditions and property matters. ARIES (Mar.

21 to Apr. Avoid doing anything that could spoil relations at home which are difficult enough now as it is. Stop being so belligerent. Try to get at the cause of things and quietly make right changes. TAURUS (Apr.

20 to May 20) If you take unnecessary risks, there is bound to be much trouble brewing. Think and act wisely. Put plan in operation to make work easier. Show you have good sense. GEMINI (May 21 to June 21) Showing allies that you are very wise where finances are concerned will gain their fuller cooperation in the future.

Do more saving. Not a good time to make new investment. Bide your time. MOON CHILDREN (June 22 to July 21) Don't be too self-centered and you get along much better with others and get ahead. faster.

Don't rely on that social meeting to solve some problem you have. Use your own good mind. LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21) You seem unable to express yourself as you want right now so wait before doing so ideally. Others come to you with their troubles, so be sure to help them as much as you can.

Don't go overboard, though. 4 VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 22) You want good pals to assist you with present aims, which is fine, provided you do not impose on them. You' have one goal that is not to your benefit, so put it aside.

Take no chances. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Wait for a better day when the planets are more, favorable to have those talks with higher-ups and then you have more success. Keep steady and don't make changes that could be disastrous now.

Show true balance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You have many fine ideas but they need further study before putting them in operation This is not a good day to deepen friendship with a new contact. Wait until later in the week.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Be your own worst taskmaster and get things done properly, keep the promises you have made scrupulously. Do not push that creditor so much. Annoying mate who is in an irritable mood is not good.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Try to understand what an associate has in mind and then you find that you can come to agreements easily. Stop wracking your brain about how to solve some problem. The solution comes to you easily tomorrow.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Tryingto throw own work off on the shoulders of others would only make more trouble for you. Delve into it and get it done efficiently. Do whateverimproves your health.

Eliminate some bad habit that is ruining it. PISCES (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20) Be careful not to get into some risky venture that you would later regret, but keep busy with whatever is of proven worth Instead of criticizing mate, show consideration and love. Make life happier for both IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODAY he or she will be one of those very efficient young people who is also very emotional, which is good, provided it is checked at the right time.

Teach early to be more objective in dealing with others and thereby avoid trouble that could otherwise follow. Teach early to understand the motives behind others' actions and then dealing with them becomes easier and more effective. Homemaking, psychology and psychiatry work is fine. Carroll Righter's Individual Forecast for your sign for September is now ready. For a copy, send your birthdate and $1 to Carroll Righter Forecast, Seymour Daily Tribune, Box 629, Hollywood, Calif.

90028. King Features Syndicate, 1970. Does a person's Federal income tax return constitute a "public record" open to inspection, or "confidential information? Actually, the law says the former subjert to rules promulgated by the President. But a poll indicates that the nation's independent business owners agree with the Congressman that tax returns should be treated as confidential, with access to them much more limited than is now the case. Some 45 million tax returns are being put on computer tape this year for states to use in checking against state income tax returns.

Critics say opportunities for snooping and unauthorized use of this personal information are greatly increased by this practice. Accordingly, Rep. George E. Brown, of California, is author of a bill which would limit access to Federal returns to tax enforcement personnel and affirm that tax returns "are privileged and confidential information" entitled to legal protection. In a poll conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business, the response by businessmen, nationally shows 78 per cent supporting this measure, 18 per cent opposing it, and four per cent being undecided.

Indiana business proprietors give this response: 74 for the legislation, 20 per cent taking a negative view, and six per cent undecided. Disclosure that a White House aide was given access to tax returns upon request to the Internal Revenue Service kicked up a storm of controversy and led Congressmen to question practices which enable states, Federal agencies and Congressional committees to obtain them. Congressman Brown's bill would keep U. S. returns from state agencies entirely except when a state or local taxing authority bases its tax system on the Federal tax code.

In such cases, it says, "State officials shall keep said return confidential and privileged information between the taxpayer and the recipient state." The bill would also keep tax returns from Federal agencies other than Internal Revenue and the Justice Department. The present U. S. Tax Code does provide punishment for Federal employes and state officials and employes for disclosure of tax return information ButCongressmanBrown would attack the problem by limiting access "to those people who have a legitimate business looking at them" and he says, "end in-indiscriminate snooping by politicians." While a few of the businessmen agree with Internal Revenue's position that present safeguards are adequate, the big majority favor the restrictions proposed by Congressman Brown to keep the computer from completely ending tax return privacy. Columnist Says Nixon Runs foreign Policy Risk Nixon Administration fense budget is going to By WILLIAM S.

WHITE the opinion of this columnist the Nixon Administration is suddenly and inexplicably running a grave risk of falling between the two stools of hawk-ism and doveism on foreign policy. The President could wind up by pleasing neither side and by alienating the moderate center that is, at last, the core of his strength. To be sure, every administration runs zigs and zags. This is not only standard operating procedure but it is perfectly sensible and permissible, there being few absolute truths in politics and even fewer courses that are mam mm. I NINTY-EI6rlT I HERE'S THE WORLD FAWWS 6R0CERV CLERK WORKING AT THE CHECK-OUT effort to neutralize Israel's sole life-saver, the Israeli Air Force.

Again, it is implied that a satisfactory negotiated settlement of the war in Vietnam is still a possibility in the face of the demonstrable fact that the Paris negotiations are going nowhere. Finally, it is reported that the United States has agreed to limit or even abandon ou antiballistic missile program if the Russians would agree to similar self-denials on then-side. The dangers of this propositionif one accepts that it has in fact been offered are blazingly obvious. In the first place, the Nixon Administration has just been able by only the most urgent of efforts to obtain Senate approval of the ABM system; and the kind of Administration talk now going on obviously arms all its opponents. In the second place, a vast clutch of official information from Nixon defense officials has long been uniformly frightening as to the steady growth of Soviet power in the whole field of nuclear warfare.

Moreover, if we are now to assume that the Soviet lion is all of a sudden in the mood to be a lamb, then the whole in more trouble than ever in Congress every dollar in every section of it. It would be unworthy to suppose that the Administration has loosed so odd a flood of good tidings in order to influence the coming Congressional and senatorial elections. This observer does not for a moment accept so petty a motive in this or any other President he has ever known. Nor does he believe for an in-instant that Mr. Nixon is ever really going to submit to excessive "peace" pressures to the harm of our vital interests.

Yet some suspicions of this sort are as certain to arise as it is certain that Tuesday follows Monday. Finally, why on earth, then, is all this going on, particularly since it is not some alleged "flexibility" for which read some softening that is keeping the President high in public favor? The simple reality is the exact reverse. The people believe he is prudently tough and so does this columnist and so do some of the most powerful Democrats in the United States and this is solely why he is indeed thus far mastering the polls. New Revolutionary Front absolutely and uniquely right. Granting all this, however, working closely with Jonathan in a series of recent incidents strongly indicates that the President is alternately giving ear to palace guard counsels of tough realism and to other palace guard counsels of in substantial optimism based far more on hope than on rational ES6S ACTIALLV, THERE AREN'T AWE THAN A DOZEN WORLD-FAMOUS 6R0CERV probabilities.

Angela Davis, 26, the black militant communist who was ousted as a philosophy instructor at the University of California in Los Angeles, has been charged with murder in connection with the courthouse shooting that left four men, including a judge, dead. The Black Panther party newspaper of Los Angeles told of a meeting in Watts in June at which Miss Davis "sentenced" various including all establishment judges, to be "revolutioned to death." She is being hunted by the FBI on a federal warrant as a fugitive from justice. The shootout cost the lives of two black convicts and an accomplice, Jonathan Jackson, 17, the gunbearer brother of a man awaiting trial with two others for the killing of a white prison guard. Miss Davis had been defense of the three accused men. One of the would-be escapees shouted during the break, "We are the revolutionaries." That was the first tip that, to the radical movement, the attempted breakout has become a revolutionary milestone.

It was a bloody step in the attempt to make the nation's courthouses the battleground for a form of guerrilla warfare aimed at freeing "political both black and white. It will be remembered that one of the original 10 demands of the Black Panthers was the immediate release of all black prisoners on the ground that they were primarily political prisoners. The breakout from Soledad prison in San Rafael was a first attempt to make this revolutionary demand true. To begin with, dispatches based on leaked information from Nixon officials suggest that a briefing for Southern editors in New Orleans offered a view of this hard world that is very far from the world that was and is. Responsible accounts that have not thus far been denied imply, for one example, that the Middle TUESDAY, AUGUST 25,1970 East cease-foe, of which the United States was initiator and must also be guarantor, an incomparably better chance bringing honest peace than any hard-nosed view could possibly justify.

W.WK-TV .1 Louisville 4 iai Chan I Muvicx 4 l.i 4 Hi 4 4." lai 5 15 hi Timmy and Lassie 5 4i ft i World Tiiday ft I ft Huntk-y Brinkl.y ft 4 .) i Wilburn Bros WIIAS-TV1I Louisvilli- i 4 wi Uomer Pyle 4 l.i 4 I'errv Mason 4 45 "i mi i Li Dick Van Dyke Sh 4-i Channel 11 news ft l.i ft ft CBS News The truth is that the Is These Days raelis are furious at what they believe to be American efforts to' brush under the rug what the Israelis insist have been persistent violations of the Baseball VVTTV4 WFBM-TV 6 WISH-TV 8 WLW-1 13 WLKY-TV 32 Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapoli Indianapolis Louisville 4 ii To Tell The Truth 4 mi Somerset 4 Uomer Pyle (JSMC 4 Dark Shadows 4:00 nrk Shadows 11 '3 4 13 4 IS 4: IS 4 Popeye and Janie 4 Mike Douglas 4 rriy snj 4 Bewitched 4 30 Batman 4 43 4 45 4 4J 4 45 4 43 3'" 5M" 5 5 uu Star Theatre I Love Lucy 5 15 5 13 5 15 15 5 IS 3 1 Favorite Martian 5 H. 5 1 5 Hi EvewMs News 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 5 43 i Truth sequences ft Newi Rj(( Ncw 6 w) Nw 15 15 15 15 (is ft Wagon Train HiHiaiUey-Brinkley ft Hi ABC News 30 43, 45 43 43 mi Karly Rtinat Sen ToniLoveLucy 7 00 '5 IS MS 7 15 7 15 7 Hi What's My Line 7 HI I rm-arn Of Jcaonie; Umie Mod Squad 7 Mod Squad 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 43 mi Dick Van Dyke in Debbie Hcynwu. a mi a iai a "IS 113 a 13 1 David Frost Julia 1 Hi Mm ir ol Week Movie of Ute Week 43 43 4a 43 a 45 I mi mi Tues Niihl Movies mi mi uo IS 13 15 13 9 IS wcapitol News Beat Mi "'Governor JJ 4.i 45 45 45 45 1 Perry Mason Mi in iu WISH-TV 30 Mlnuti in niMnrcus weluy M. 00 Marcus Welby, M.D. HI 15 ill 15 HI III Hi 10 Hi CBS News III HI Ml HI HI 45 III 45 III 43 10 43 I I "I Movie 4 1 Final Itvuort 1 1 mi Channel News 1 1.

in Eyewitness to News 1 1 uu Eyewitness News I-' II IS ij is 11 11 TonigU Show 1 1 Merv Oriffin 1 1 1' Dick I'sYetl Snow 1 1 Film Festival II 43 II 45 II 43 45 4j Campus Unrest This Fall May Influence Election 7 4.i a i l.i bi a 4.i in i I 7 Hi Jrannie 7 4.1 it Drbbir a l.i Julia 4.i Tues. Night Movie i i i Hi cease-fire by Soviet -backed Egypt. The truth also is that American-Israeli relations are in a most sticky situation. While the American posture here is to damp things down out there, nothing whatever in the records of Russia and Nasser Egypt can lead realists to suppose that they are not taking full advantage of this cease-fire, in order to move rocket bases ever closer 'J 4.1 III iai in 4.1 Hi in in 1. 1 III HI III lii Hi CBS Reports III kiWAVE News Report 1 1 ii Channel II News ii 1 1 Ky.

State Fair 1 1 hi Mitv Oriffin II I. II 4i to Israel. This would be an By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN A great deal this coming autuhjn will depend on the campuses: if they "blow," it should make for a really conservative year at the November polls. The politicians, however, cannot really count on a "worse-the-better" situation. Maybe we shall have a calm October.

One detects a stiffening at the moment on the part of the authorities. At Stanford University, in California, where student unrest has been rumbling for a long time, there is a summer upsurge of toughness. Diarmund R. McGuire, a 28-year-old former Stanford graduate student who returned to his alma mater to take part in antl-ROTC demonstrations in th era-ins WEDNESDAY, President Nixon that it is up to the local supporters of law and order to stop the vandalism that has become almost a cur-ricular requirement at so many of our schools. At little Rockford College in Illinois, which is headed by President John A.

Howard, an adviser to Nixon on academic finance, vandalism reached an all-time high during the 1969-70 semesters. The Honor System, which had hitherto worked with some effectiveness, seemed to be breaking down. President, Howard and the Rockford trustees have hopes that the Honor System can be rescued from its state of "erosion," but they aren't taking zjjnychanffs. For the coming year an Administrative Disciplinary Committee, appointed by the president, will take action on disciplinary problems, and when a violation involves a breach of public law, "probation, suspension or dismissal from the college" win follow. WISH-T- 8 Indianapolis oo Capt Kangaroo IS (30 :4 WLW-1 13 WLKY-TV 32 Indianapolis Louisville 0:00 nsMergerien luinpof Roooa IS 1:13 SOKindrrgarlrn CoHtget 30 The Real McCoys 43 TT r.

Dl WAVE-TV 3 tauisvillr oo Today I 13 oo Morn Show MS 45 Newt lo on Dinah's Place 10 15 10:30 Concentration 10 45 11 oo gale of Century II: 11:30 Hollywood Seymour Daily Tribune 1215 East Tipton St. Published each evening except Sunday, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Christmas. Seymour Tribune Inc. THOMAS W. CONNER, Publisher Entered at -the Seymour, 4nd.

47274 Postofflce as Second Class Matter. Daily Tribune by Home Delivery One year 2S00 Six Months 13.00 Three Months 6 50 One Week SO Single Copy 10 DAILY TRIBUNE by mall: All mall subscriptions In advance and none are accepted where carrier service is available. Jackson and Adjoining Counties (Jennings, Scott, Washington, -Lawrence, Monroe, Brown and Bartholomew) One Tear (14 50 Six Months Three Months js WHAS-TVll Louisville 1.00 Capt Kangaro. IS (30 l. Favorite Martian 3.15 30 Edge of Night (43 10:00 Lucy Show WIS 10 30 FiUbUlie 10:45 11 00 idy Griffith II IS JO Love of Life -H- WKBM-TV Indianapolis I Today IS News 30 Today 4 VlndDia Graham (IS (45 10 soDiMm's Place IS 30 Concemrs4ton 10 45 II 00 Sale of Century 11 IS tt; WTTV 4 Indianapolis (.00 Kartoon nigra (IS I 30 I oo Topper IS I 30 lark Ixlsime (45 li 00 Lucy Show WIS 10 30 Movie Game 10 45 11:00 That Girl II IS 11 JONewsTUINooo 11:43 nas oeen round guilty by a jury on charges of malicious of the counts gainst McGuire, who had been the.

editor of a radical newspaper, The Plain Rapper, was lamp breaking in front of the building that houses the ROTC. The issue might seem petty, but the interesting thing it that Stanford students volunteered 00 Paul Dixon Show (IS (30 (45 10:00 10 15 to 30 pmi Donahue 45 11:00 11 15 11:30 New 00 Coffee Cup (IS (30 (45 WOO 10 IS 30 Richard Wsthea 1(45 Andy II: IS JOLoveofUfe ((JsckLaLanne (IS 10 Galloping CounMl (41 w.WRtSqra, 8ha Says 10 IS 30 Best of Er(Tythlnf 10 45 11 Bewttchad II IS II 30 That Girl 11:45 JTheJ5cranton Committee in Washington, 11:45 Be FemWiw Investigating the background of the Kent State University rioting and deaths, gave preferred time to Leftist characters who did their best to put -all the Mame for- 12 .00 Jeopardy 12 IS nmmm'mfrtmirtrt iNewT I2 where Heart Is 12:15 fcTlle4TO -RsyWalte-and Roger Reednmemberr of the Free Campus Movement, a conservative group, came through with the testimony that caused the Jury to cract down- on McCUlliW' 12 0u Chuck wsg on Thsatreia aa lespardy 11:15 12: IS UJO who. What, Where i llTonwrrow than three months 80c per 12. IS tt AWorU Vipm 4 Lil cltojpflnrelt on Vice PreridVAghew!" rhetoric. 'And when toe committee shifted 1:00 I 06 Mike Douglas JU 1 WHoUywoodMovM 10 News i 1.30 World Turns featured eTesTTT 30 -130 -tr4S Daily Tribune to Servicemen Owe Vise (14 Six Months 125 -Three- Months 4.7J- Less than three months tOc per week.

Elsewhere -(Other than Jackson and Adjoining Counties) One Year RO JO Six Months u.23 Three Months 8.75 Less than three months 50c per week. 1 :30 Make a Urol 1 4 2 on Nrwlywerts MS 1 30 IMingtiamr 145 td Urn Ikwptlal 3 II iMOnr'UeToLhe 3 4S 30 -tr oo Love IIS 1 30 Guiding Light 2 45 3 00 Secret Storm 3 13 3 30 Beat the Clock 3 45 lr 200 2 1) 2 30 2 45 3:00 Galloping Gourmet IIS 3 30He Said She Said 45 I 45 3 Day, of our Lives 1 IS 1 The Doctors 2 45 1 Another World IS 3 3a Bright Promise wpw- neara 01 Vanderbflt University has been trying to shift the burden lor pacifying the campuses to the White House itself, conservative studenU at Stanford have been taking matterf mto their own bands. The Stanford Free Campus Movement agrees with I 10 Make A Dral 141 1 Neulywrd IIS 1 Dating Came 2 45 3 oo (kit Hospital 3 IS al 14 the" testimony of University of California at Santa Barbara professor of sociology who had been a founder of Students for a Democratic Society. DistrflHrted by King Fea tares gyadlcate I 45 ijels Ml 3 30 (juicing Light 141 3 (0 Secret Storm 3 IS 130 fsjcofNighl 1 45 2 00 Days of Our Live 1: IS 2 30 The Doctors 2 43 3 oo Another World 3 13 1 3t Bright Promises.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.