The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

I fr! I Ir i IE i-r iwe 1 IU II I III II 11 1 1 I I I II I SATURDAY, ITB. 131954 Radio And Television Day by Day WHA 140 WLW TOOr WIBC WOf WFBM 1280 WISH 1910) Ufa KSOio Tonighs iS Oft Coldm VccSr-NflC 'Mawnc 'Band JlttlS IE Orchestra MRS -VMT Grwhnnt ABC TwTy5 'C'RJATJ 'MroRwwLTHREE cents-. IT A W-s p.j i'd I UjrvJ rit 't THS WINNER BY A 1 I I WAS AWFUL fXCITEP. VOURS A ORtAT HGMT6R. I II I Labor Series Stories NBC Sports Parade ABC 1 'Comment; Music; News MBS 5:45 BoEdge-ABC Theater Royal NBC u- Johnny Mercer Hr.

CBS Disaster Strikes ABC i Al Heifer Sports MJ3S 6:15 Music Time ABC Washington Report MBS 6:30 Big Review, 2 hr. NBC Dinner Music ABC Farm Quiz; NewMBS 7:00 Cunsmoke Western-CBS News; Dance 2 hrs. ABC Twenty Questions MBS 7:30 Jang Busters QBS Barn Dance' Hr. MBS i a Valentine Savings Accouiii You Valentin of every age, from tiny tot to grandmother, knows you really care when her gift Is a Savings Account As little $1.00 or as much as you prefer, starts her on the way to dreams come true. Well help remember your Valentine with generous profits twice yearly, jtT Tf CMNtCAk UNOCHOUT WAS, I REALIZE IT WAS LUCKY ANO V00 rVERB THREE ROUNDS ANO 6TILL IHfY'M BAT Me FMR AH' 1 PtPN'T WANT TP --c rvAM VT? iif 2w-V'XV I corner.

1 JLri yJ7 JJ I IvT'Mj OVER HERE Ij-'iJf i I ilAifr.i, yj-l r-r I "jrVi 1 All CONHPtNTlAU-Y, YOU I IV VOU H' 'M 1 A I SA rYZ a SvE6. I'VE WftJTED A LONfi "eCE.t WAU.Y i Vt7 TYsl' i olf1 ll sM 8:00 Herb Shriner (also TV CBS 8:30 Grand Ole Opry NBC Country Style Hr. CBS 1 Guy Lombardo MBS I 9:00 Dude1 Ranch NBC News; Prison Pro. ABQ 1 Chicago Theater MBS 9:30 Pee Wee King NBC1 News Dance CBS Orchestra Show ABC' 1040 News Variety all nets Tonight 6:00 Mr. Wizard NBC Meet Millie CBS Kathy Godfrey ABC 6:30 Ethel nd Albert NBC Beat the Clock CBS Leave It to Girls ABC i 7:00 Spike Jones Band NBC Jackie Gleason Hr.

CBS Talent Patrol 7:30 Ted Mack Amateurs NBC Sports Film ABC Cooperative Building Loan Association Paul W. Prior, Manager. Phone 800 Seymour National Bank Building West Second 8hMt Entrance g9 I fS- I XCANTT A 60 AHgAO-J I CAULINfiW BA8Y- 1 NIC -YOU TO AU. -VI Show nt Shows NBC MOWWO- BUT COULD ,4 OLW AMMUAL I -ffUU -5 Saturday Fights ABC BO-T-My Favorite Husband CBS 8:00 Medallion Theater CBS Col Flack DuMont i-; 9:30 Hit Parade NBC Chicago Wrestling DuMont 1 Radio Sunday AfUrnoon Catholic Service NBC I H'taL-Si55l H0C RRTNEfl STvl IPONTWAMT AH Vl Ut VCRY6LAP TO TT ypTTN owns this AI yeah! to waste y(0AV! 1 1 et wo sheriff' 7 STRAIGHTEN V00 OUT ABOUT WANI M50 TO TELL rT77fT ME C.U fift WCHWOuT Wo' MYfWmCR? WHEN I TaD3AMEATHIMG! I'M IYl i Wli RIGHT AWAV? rr Mn ABOUTTHf HORSE.lSAIP-yACBEATJUPGEOF ifc'iU tj-f JLli-t 9 ii TtfWSlI Carter Names One To Replace Three Indianapolis OTV-Jhe State Motor Vehicle bureau announced Friday a reorganization of key personnel in which one man wal hired to replace three others. Morris J.

Carter, new MVB com-' missioner, said Gilford H. Henne gar of Morgantown, a Republican an4 former FBI chief by Indian- rpolis, was hired as his adminis trative assistant Hennegar -replaces Controller. Sordon Carson and Statistical Chief L. L. Castetter, both of In dianapolis, and Robert Petit of Crawfordsville, administrative as sistant and assistant controller.

All were hired by the former com-nlssioner. William Wilkinson of Kokomo. Carter said when asked if the three were fired that he had "ac cepted their resignations." The commissioner denied that he planned to replace Deputy Commissioner Elmer Ewert of Jn lianapolis and described as un Jrue reports that -a number rlcrical employes would get the x. Family: Makes Beer rfticendante il a famous Danish family-have moved to Los An geles so brewing company Pabst) can produce in a new plant 'on "the West'' Coisf exactly the same beer turned out here for generations. The family Is Saccharbmyces Cerevislae, a pure culture yeast imported from Copenhagen In 1887 by Fred Pabst and maintained since then in a carefully guarded pure state.

A small container of the yeast has been shipped to a new Los Angeles plant. i i It I -NBC Old Fashioned Revival -ABC' Counter Spy-MBS 3:30 World Today CBS -4 Nkk Carter MBS 4:00 Stage Struck CBS News; Evening Comes ABC The Sadow-r-MBS 4:30 Greatest Story rABC Detective Drama; News MBS 5:00 College Quia NBC Gene Autry CBS Broadcast ABC Bulldog Drummond MBS 5:15 News Time ABC 5:30 NBC Symphony NBC Our Miss Brooks CBS NcwsComment ABC Bob Considine MBS 5:45 Don Cornell ABC -To Be Announced MBS Night 6:00 Jack Benny CBS Week Around World ABC Rod and Gun-prMBS 6:30 The Marriage; News NBC Amos and Andy CBS Name of Song ABC Chamber Music MBS 7:00 Six Shooter NBC Bing Crosby CBS Music Hall Hr. ABC Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Sunday Home NBC My Little Margie CBS Enchanted Concert MBS 8:00 Star Playhouse NBC Lionel Barrymore CBS W. (also TV) Okla. City Symphony MBS 8:15 News Broadcast ABC 8:30 Edgar Bergen CBS, Call Me Freedom ABC :00 tast Man OutrrJNBC, Man of Week CBS 4 News Broadcast ABC -Two Commentaries MBS 8:15 Elmer Davis ABC the NBC (also TV) News and Sports CBS Revival Time ABC Men's Corner; Finances MBS Variety alt nets Television Sunday Alternooa 4:00 Hall of Fame NBC 4 Omnibus (lli hrs.) CBS Super Circus ABC Meet the Press NBC 5:15 Igor Cassinl DuMont Rogers Film NBC You Are There CBS George esse 1 ABC Meet Congress DuMont 8:00 Paul Winchell NBC Life With Father CBS Art Baker Show ABC Author MeeU Critics JDuMont 8:30 Mr.

Peepers NBC Private Sec. Film CBS TV Teen Club NBC USE TRIBUN1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nT FOR RESULTS lATTERY SHOP ItaitniM. Oanoriiari tUrtw ourm st, fhons sh PIANO lit Cotl Mary's leouty Shop PhoM TIS ttwidme PImm (M Bddwin't Aerawmle Spinal ART BRETHAUER DRUG STORE PHOKE 711 3)0 The Week-End" 2 hrs Concert Hall CBS ORDES I. ELAKX Ii 1 1 II I MMMMMMMMMMM ANiWAi. TKAINE WEN COLKAOS RirTUNO MJCLB RETRAY THB UOHTNINO OTESOl IVig frLrSX CAT COMES UfONA CHILLINO 'j iiiyy 1 I ''MWwwwgacwjwTr.

I I i The Symphonet CBS Dr. Roberts ABG' Bandstand USA MBS 1:30 American Forum NBC tal-Hv so TV) N. Y. Philharmonic CBS Dr. Wyatt ABC h- Sunday Serenade MBS T0P1E INSURANCE AGENCY, Insurance of All Kind ,206 St.

Louis Av. Phono 80! CALL 291-X when yen kovo flat tir TTTLCAmzma mxcArpma AOAO SFEKKER TIHE SERM OP. PtHlfA. DEPOT 03. HCZERt If OBBO DENTIST Phone 1041 OOc Hour: I A- M.

to IS. 130 P. M. to P. M.

CLOSED 'WEDNESDAYS IV ToPayAll Your Bills. Have Only One Payment To JIake MO to '500 Our lervlct it foil ond friendly, and It Is our slnctra dtsir to bo halpfut. Sco ill today for tho money you nood. Seymour Finance Co. "OFF TH8 STREET, 202V4 lnd StPhooo 1 7:00 Comedy Hour NBC Toast of Town CBS -The Mask Drama ABC 8:00 ry playhouse J4BC Fred WarmsCBS Walter Winchell ABC Rocky King DuMont Pickens-ABC 8:30 Man Behind Badge CBS Peter Potter, Show ABC Plainclothesman DuMont 9:00 Loretta Young Film NBC The Web Drama CBS Break the Bank ABC Dollar a Second DuMon 8:30 Against Mont What's My Line CBS Billy Graham ABC Radio Monday Morning 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 8:15 Cliffs Family MBS 9.00-tWelcome Travelers NBC Godfrey Time hrs.) CBS (also My'Story Drama) ABC 9:30 Bob Hope NBC News; Johnny Olsen MBS 10:00 Strike It Rkh NBC, Grand Central ABC Wonderful City; News MBS 10:30 Two Quiz Shows NBC Quiz Show CBS Queen for Day MBS-- Serials (34 hrs CBS 11:00 Curt Massey MBS AfUrnoon' 12.30 Lopez.

Music MBS 1 1:00 Mary Margarftt. Fret: Robbins; News MBS IrSOLadief ralr MBS 1:35 Martin Block ABC 2:00 Serials for 3 hrs. NBC Gambling Hour-MBS 2:15 House Party CBS 2:45 Wizard of Odds CBS Owens ABC News and Music MBS 3:30 Afternoon" Music ABC Welcome Ranch MBS 7 4:00 Variety Time (mid-west repeat 1 hr. later) ABC-MBS French Fore ACROSS i u-the capital of Prance Largest river in France 11 Feminine appellation II Bury II Landed property ,14 Chaste i II Consumed 17 Scottish sheepfold 18 Masculine appellation 20 Weights of DOWN Adhesives 2 Changes 3 Narrow inlet 4 Interest (ab.) 9 Wist man fl Bodily organ 7 individual Pronoun SeU in small Quantities 10 Expunges IS Facility IS Burden 11 Before II Type of dog 13 En leers 29 Midday 21 Against India 42 Railroad 9t '29 Mine shaft hut isr-nme character 2tBeat 3 vim or weight" 31 Mineral rock 12 Communion BMIir. rilHUIiM(liMi 39 Soothsayer 39 Asseverate 40 Jumbled type 41 Blow with open hand 42 OrientaLcoln ABrajillM.

macaw 49 Winglike part 48 Signs 49 Rataplan of a 4run i SI Disfigures 53 Tenet 94 Weird 55 Heavenly Wit irrr! JzJhi -j I WANT YOU I I WHV ARE YOU I MY RIGHT A I TO 'WRITS THAT WRITING WITH HAND IS STUCK II vi in r-. II jrt is i er-i- I BBgi a today MP7T75 --T f'J xrm iteui WHEELING WITH INTHNTOM TO5PRWS 0 MEH OVNERS WWTtHfc iHIb UIWI WOHK rtW 1 I it A MAN I tc? Cm IWlR teAOtW(E A Ce.a NANCY" HAVE KWTWEH'f AT TWO MEUCY A IN PEFIANCS ETWTCK i ivrA TAINT LONG TH.L YEO COMIN' OFF SfcCONO BEST IN A GUN BRAWL WITH CAMBLEK) LANOIN1 I- 'I'll 1 1 COOL PAKJNOAM7 OUICK RERXXEIl CROOKED RICHES To LIVE Ht MAKIN THIS FINAL IN HIS HAUL DOWN THE RIVER )S VwAKE 1 TO TAKE 'ER FER ALL SI WHL pg swg's wor r-r TxerAOj ANDfHf AltO.I injuns arc sTjfwa j. 1 UP AG IN BMXfACl Hio loTT? GOOD 4 tJytk Jif: wCfif-rlb; i "Sdwh" JoAn'Suated w-'a ANOTHE? M'-T 1 NOT CO kZ CkSTEP bteresting 44PartTo WpUSSff Jtt HUMCMT ON I VWAT It? Of KOTICSO 1 circles 7tU TMJI I 7WT JfBMMlC 9 A 6fAT I -sryVrP llT IN TWS MIC2C? 4 33 Reluc*nt 47 V.hiole fiviirN, 4TCvV-y 'X KN(Tt WW'- QXCi 34 Bridge 48 Assam IW.l-A- W-TT "VC WMAT 1 VITa h- GA holding silkworm HEHHEH. 71 rsAS.tA uSLLjQkdCS'S' Yft r-i HIM ARE SJ ALL-PIRED FIRST i- AND 6t AD-EYE DAWSON. I ER FURS AT WICRtD AND DUMB lUbtfcl MOW Hf5 FLAVIN" HI5 I I FANCV-DRESSED- JUST WHO IS HE COOK'S GUNMAN, RATE FIRST- Vf rOLcCAT TAI1 Varielieis' lii Sfcicli mour Harchyare Co.

Sey I til 8. CHESTNUT.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.