The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SIX SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, IND. "Back to School" SPECIALS On One: Special Table at $1 for boys ages 2 to 8 Seersucker Overalls Fancy Drill Overalls Shorts with Bibs Shorts without Bibs Sports Shirts Knit Polo Shirts All from this season's selling- sand every garment a real bargain. Seymour's Greatest A STEIN WEDEL SoN For Men Store and Boys Bring us your ration coupon for STOVES OIL -COAL -GAS CORDES HARDWARE CO. PHONE 87 SEYMOUR, INDIANA Having Feeding Problems? Let us solve them for you. We have a complete stock of all the hard-to-get feeds and can supply all of your feeding needs at reasonable prices.

See us for- Hominy Feed -we always have it! Mill Feeds Cottonseed Meal Soya Bean Meal Scratch Feeds. -SPECIAL- Egg Mash cwt. FARMER'S SUPPLY COMPANY "Formerly Harlow's Feed Store" 217 S. Carter Seymour, Ind. Phone 239 316 N.


Some People may dig a hole and bury their money or put it in a can or chuck it under a rafter, but how foolish that would be when you can open a savings account with us and receive a liberal return on your investment and have funds to buy something worth while when you may need it most. Cooperative Building Loan Association J. ROBT. BLAIR. Secretary Office: West Second Street, Seymour National Bank Building BUY NEEDED CLOTHING! It pays to dress well-helps you on: the job.

A good appearance is a valuable asset. See US if you need money for clothing. 106 AMERICAN SECURITY CO. North Chestnut, St. Phone 774.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944 The Honorable FRANK MILLIS Republican Candidate for State Treasurer Will Be Guest Speaker at a meeting in SHIELDS PARK Friday Evening 7:30 p. Aug. 18th This meeting will follow covered dish supper sponsored by the Republican Women's Club. The public is invited to attend this meeting and to meet Mr. Millis.

The Hon. Earl Wilson has been invited. County Candidates will also be present. Few Get Extra Food Rations (Continued from page one) local ration boards will be permitted to grant the maximum alIcwance of supplemental rations which. they are permitted to issue and refer only the request for additional points to the district office.

At present the entire apI plication must be referred if it calls for more than the maximum allowance which local boards may grant. The new regulation- also provides that in emergency cases local boards may grant extra rations for a two-week period, pending decision by the district office, even though the illness involved is not one of those for which supplemental points are de. sued regularly, Dewey Assails (Continued from page one) the formation of a permanent four-power alliance to rule the world through spheres of influence. The New York governor, who once advocated a post-war military alliance with Great Britain, asserted in the course of an 800- word prepared statement that to leave the long term solution of the problems of peace and security "in the hands of a permanentmilitary alliance of four victorious powers would be immoral." At Washington, Secretary of State Hull said today that the big four powers do not comtemplate coercion of the rest of the world and that "Governor DewLey can rest assured that the fears which he expressed in his statement are utterly and completely unfounded." In a formal statement Hull replied to one issued Wednesday by the Republican presidential nomiree, in which Dewey expressed fears, that the four major powers -Britain, Russia, China and the United States- might "coerce" the rest of the world in setting up plans for postwar peace assured by force. Hull's comment came as proposals for a sort of regionalized responsibility for peace on the part of the big four nations were heard in advance of next week's security talks at the Dumbarton Oaks estate.

Secretary Hull said; "No arrangement such as described by him (Dewey) which would involve a military alliance of the four major nations permantly to coerce the rest of the world, is contemplated or has ever been contemplated by this government, or, as far as we know, by any other governments" Costa Rica mines half a million dollars worth of gold annually. Newsy Paragrafs Donald Ditlinger, North Vernon R1, underwent a tonsillectomy at Schneck Memorial Hospital today. Sergeant and Mrs. Delbert Roseberry, of North Vernon, are the parents of a son born early today at Schneck Memorial Hospital. Mrs.

Jake Wetzel and infant son today returned to their home on Seymour R2 from Schneck Memorial Hospital, where the baby was born recently. Mrs. Martin Rieckers and infant son returned today to their home on Seymour R3 from Schneck Memorial Hospital, where the baby was born recently. Mrs. Herschel Boling and infant son returned today to their home at 904 West Oak street from Schneck Memorial Hospital wherethe baby was born recently.

Mrs. Carl Knott and infant daughter returned this afternoon to their home on Seymour RI from Schneck Memorial Hospital, where the baby was born recently. Mrs. Horace Walker and infant daughter returned early today to their home at 725 Noble from Schneck Memorial Hospital, where the baby was born recently. Mary Margaret Lafferty, 401 East Fourth street, seven-year-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Lafferty, underwent a tonsillectomy at Schneck Memorial Hospital this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rush, Seymour R1, are the parents of a daughter born Tuesday at the home.

The baby has been named Charlotte Jane. Mrs. Rush is the former Miss Lucille -Patrick. Funeral services for L. D.

Parker, age eighty-one, of Crothersville R1, who died Tuesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Rose Crane, 912 South Walnut street, were conducted this afternoon from Russell's Chapel, with burial in the cemetery there. A total of 476 workers the Columbus plant of Noblitt-Sparks Industries, were given X-ray examinations in the first day of a chest-testing program being conducted in industry there. It is planned to test 5,500 employes of twenty-two Columbus industrial firms. Opportunity to change breakfast menu.

Serve new Post's Raisin Bran, the delicious combination of crisp wheat and bran flakes plus California seedless raisins. Garden Show At N-S Plant If anyone is doubtful about the ability of victory gardeners to raise good crops in spite of this summer's drought, he should go to the Seymour plant of NoblittSparks Industries, where a victory garden product show is being held in the personnel office. Employes of the local plant had on display fruits of their gardening on two large tables and were competing for prizes which will be awarded following judging Friday. All products must have been grown by the exhibitor or members of the immediate household and the exhibitors must be employes of Noblitt-Sparks. In order for an exhibitor to qualify for full prizes, each class must have at least five entries.

Cash awards of $5 for first prize, $3 for second prize and $1 for third prize are to be awarded in each of the following classes: for the best plate of six potatoes, the best plate of six tomatoes and the best plate of twenty-four, green beans. For the best plate of at least five, a and no more than eight, different garden products, $6 will be given for first prize, $4 for second prize and $2 for third prize. The displays are made on paper plates. Similar victory garden shows are being held in the Columbus, Greenwood and Franklin plants of the company today and Friday. It is thought that the ancient art of glass making originated in Syria or Egypt.

Front Is Fifty Miles Broad. Thirty Deep pouring ashore. Casualties: continue exceptionally light." It was thus evident that the Al lies within forty eight hours after their landing had achieved ani astonishing success in seizing the primary requisites for a large scale operation. With tanks and mighty M-10 bank destroyers ashore it was also evident that Patch was in a position to weather the greatest dariger ahead- the period in the first seventy-two hours when the enemy might mass armored reserves to make a counterattack. But so far there was little evi-.

dence to show that the Germans were massing for such counteratLacks. Thunderbolts. intercepted and destroyed one convoy of fifty enmy motor trucks. towing field guns toward the battle area, aving at least forty-two of the vechicles in flames and the damaged. Germans Nervous.

There were signs that the Germans nervously were preparing for an extension of Allied landings. Enemy transport columns were seen moving out of Genoa, going westward, apparently to protect Italy behind the Gothic line. Smaller scale enemy movements also were seen -between Nice and Imperia. (The Vichy radio said: new Allied landings had been made under a heavy naval barrage. DNB the Allies attempted new landings on both sides of Toulon, but declared they were repulsed.) Although enemy resistance has been light, "it has not been as, slight as first thought," it was said officially.

Unofficial estimates placed prisoners at. about 3,000. Allied headquarters Wednesday night declared enemy air opposition remained negligible. Take Four Key Cities In Advance (Continued from page one) man Seventh Army are milling a- mound in "complete disorganization" both inside the trapeand in the area eastward to the Seine, a British staff officer declared at field headquarters. To hamper Allied air attacks, the Germans are sandwiching French refugees -in their, army columns fleeing the Falaise trap, Allied fliers reported.

The escape of the bulk of Field Marshal Guenther Von Kluge's armor already has been conceded, leaving only remnants of possibly fourteen enemy divisions- some stripped to the bone still caught west of the escape hatch. British Officers Calm. A dispatch from Associated Press War Correspondent Roger D. Greene said that "high British officers reflected tranquillity over the situation, however, and intimated that Allied high strategy has even greater blows in store for the enemy." "The picture is very reassuring and the next two or three weeks may be decisive," a British staff officer said. Allied air forces laid an overnight barrier to the German columns fleeing east from the Falaise area by bombing five bridges over the Risle River which flows parallel and west of the Seine.

Airmen destroyed or thirty tanks Wednesday. In Brittany, the siege of St. Malo went into its tenth day, and the Germans conceded their stand in the rock-bound citadel there was "drawing to an end." (Continued from pager one) Pepper Shortage Looms. Baltimore, Aug. 17 John N.

Curlett, vice-president of the McCormick Baltimore, said today that pepper shortages were threatening both manufacturers and farmers who use the product for curing purposes. Among the Arabs, sacred trees are believed to be haunted by angels or jinns. We can HOME LOANS help you own your No landlord to make you no own homE rising rental a strong reserve on your against and many more prEsEnt reasons why home owners are such happy folks, Come in today and let us help you own incomE! yours. HOME SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. GLENN M.

KEACH, Sec'y, 117. West Second St. Phone 705 KING STYLE ICE CREAM SODAS 15c ALL FLAVORS We sure can brag about this Soda It's much the best in town. JONES DRUG STORE Heavy Rainfall Here Revives Parched Land (Continued from page one) Winchester, 1.53; Ellison, 1.22: Martinsville, 1.09, and Columbus, .99. The northern and southern portions of the state had light showers.

Water Curb Deep, So heavy was the early portion of the downpour, the first received in Seymour and Jackson county in several weeks, that water stood curb deep in many downtown streets. The rain later dwindled slow, steady precipitation that delighted all the farmers and gardeners who welcomed the first "soaker" since the summer's devastating drought began. Although many residents, glad to see the first heavy rain, stood outdoors just to get wet, others pulled long-unused raincoats out of closets to wear them for the first time in several months. Paralysis Group to Hold State Conference The Foundation' for Infantile Paralysis, Inc. will hold a two-day conference of all chapter officers and members, and Women's Division Chairmen of AIR-CONDITIONED MAJESTIC LAST TIMES TONIGHT Bette DAVIS Acquaintance Starts FRIDAY! ACTION ON THE RANGER TRAIL! BENEATH BUS SKIES BURNETTE, Plus: 2nd Big Hit -BREAKING COURAGE! Columbio OUND A John CLEMENTS: Mary MORRIS New Chapt.

"Capt. America" Indiana, August 25 and 26 at the Claypool Hotel and The Indiana University Medical Center. The purpose of the meetings is for the mutual benefit of all chapter officers and members, health officers, public health nurses and all persons who deal with poliomyelitis patients. Dr. John L.

Lavan, Research Director for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, will confer with members of the Medical Profession, Riley Hospital staff, Indiana State Board of Health officers, public health su- THEATER, SEYMOUR LAST TIMES TONIGHT Hi, Good Harriet Hilliard.Kirby Grant Eddie Quillan Starts FRIDAY! More action, more thrills per second then ever before. Dick Foran rides with the gallant Lone Star Rangers! GUNS OF THE PECOS starring Dick FORaN ANNE NAGEL GORDON HART JOSEPH CREHAN EDDIE ACUFF Directed by Noel Smith A BROS FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE 24 BIG HIT ACTION! TERROR! WHISPERING FOOTSTEPS JOHN HUBBARD QUIGLEY KENDALL CHAS. HALTON pervisors and nurses, on epidemic problems. Rev. Huffman, of Crothersville, is county chapter chairman.

Miss Elaine Whitelaw, Director National Women's Division, will cover details of the polio survey which now is being conducted on a nation-wide basis. Indiana now is making its contribution toward this census inasmuch as the women's division chairmen and their committees are covering their communities. New Fall Coats! Gorgeous new sport and dress stylesrich materials and fall shades. $1298 to $3998 We Feature SPORTLEIGH COATS In all styles and colors Skirts $198 to $498 New plaids and solid colors for Fall. Sweaters $198 $398 Slipovers and Cardigans.

Mostly all wool. Blouses 59 to $398 Pastels and white. Many new styles in sizes 32 to 48. PURSES CHILDREN'S Leather and fabric in black, Coats and Leggin Sets. navy and colors.

Wide selection in all sizes, 59c to $4.98 $5.98 to $14.98 VISIT OUR GIFT AND INFANT DEPARTMENT! Large Selections to Choose From -Where Your Dollar Buys More Style -More Wear -More Value- USE OUR TITTI BUY WAR LAY-AWAY BONDS AND Where leis In expensive PLAN! STAMPS!.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.