The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY-REPUBLICAN, SEYMOUR, INDIANA .) ..6. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. CHURCH NOTICES. Hi GIFT SUGGESf0N 2- No Need tq Rub Try Sloan's Liniment and ee bow quickly the swelling is reduced and the pain disappear. No need to rub; it pene- '(Continued from page six) GIFT SUGGESTION cise by Miss Alma Smitzer's class of girls.

Address "Kingdom Patriotism" Pastor Offering for Chrises kingdom abroad. ZHeekwear trates quickly and brings relief. Have a bottle handy for rheumatic neuralgia, back ache and all muscle soreness. Glomes Never Fail Offertory Solo; RacheV Barbour Presentation of baskets for tile poftK I Hymn oi cace-'jioly reace- Generous sized bottles; at; your Whii tture Benediction and Postludoi 7. druggist; 50c.

$1.00. German Methodist. 1 Sunday services 9:00 Sunday Shoppers will find a real at our NECKWEAR school. sm' 'fit (paw1 10:30 German a Christmas sermon. In the beginning at 7 :00 o'clock a Christmas program will be rendered.

The great event of Christ's birth will be celebrated in word and Hit WtttlftiL music, borne. oi the special features, We are showing the "cream" from eleven manufacturersneckwear designed from the richest silks made in this and foreign countries. Over 400 Styles 1. 65c, 75c, $1.00 Over 200 styles $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Stores in the largest cities cannot surpass this line. Our motto is "Just a Little Better" and we have them.

of the program are choruseB, quart-j ettes, duets, class songs, recitations, exercises, drills and mantopimea. A special collection will be taken for the War Suffers in at 7:30. "The Key of Hope" will be Armenia. GLOVES are sure to please and we are sure to please you from our immense line. Grays, Tans ad Chamois, have the call in dressed and undressed kid $1.50 to $3.50.

Wash Chamoisette Gloves, Silk Gloves $1.00 the subject of the sermon. On Christmas Day a special service 'Fancy Boxes Free AH of the raembtvrs of the official board are requested to meet at the will be held in bur church at .10 :00 a. m. I church 2 :30 p. m.

Sunday. New Year's Eve will be observed Prayer meeting Wednesday even by an interesting Watch Night Serv ing 7:30. ice. Here is the general outline THE HU The Classy Gift Shop. Choir practice eac evening of the THE HUB The Clay GiI Shop week GLENLAWN MISSION.

the program: 8 :30 Variety program. Love Feast. Glenlawh Mission at 2:30 each 9 A Survey of the Year, Sunday afternoon. Methodist Episcopal Church. We-wish to call the attention of 10 :30 Social Half -Hour.

10 30-11 :00 Bible Dramas. "Move Forward" ir0-12K)O Consecration. Wm. Weiler, pastor. and the- best interests of the public are conserved aud protected during his administration.

the public to the special Christmas St. Ambrose Catholic Church. Low Mass at 8 a. m. High Mass at 10 a.

m. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Vespers and Benediction 3 p. Church of Christ.

Bible study at 10 o'clock. She crleov "But you are ffiSre fortunate than you expected, for it Is my precious old Larkle. But don't be too glad about It, or you may hurt my feelings." "Well, I am surprised, I confess, but I believe I like Lark as well as 1 do you, and of course Jim's Jthe one to decide. People say Lark is more sen-sHlthnn youvare, but It takes a good bit of a man to get beyond a face as services in his church tomorrow. There will be sjiecial numbers in the Sunday-school hour.

In the morning the pastor will preach a Christ Woodstock Baptist Church. Sunday school 2 K)0. Junior Union 6:30. This is a good time to equip your kitchen with aluminum cooking utensils such as percolators, tea kettles skillets, kettles, sauce pans, etc sold by Cordes Hardware d22d mas sermon. Hie theme will be, Communion service at 11 o'clock Christmas services 7:30 by Juniors "The Visitation to Bethlehem and and Choir.

Its Message." The choir will render Choir Pe y0nr8' Ta tad Song "Joy to the World special music. In the evening the va viiu Prudence lays So Elhet Hues ton Art tt "TnJtm rf Ui Pumu9" 1 WWW i lwml HliHUfcM6ai "My Speech. Liston Dreese the choir will give a song service of at southeast corner of Sixth and Chestnut A. M. E.

Church. Sunday School 2 :30 p. m. Preaching 7 p. m.

All are welcome. several numbers. The choir has After Fairy's wedding Carol naturally1 felt lonely. They had been such Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Morton left this morning for. Hin ton, W. V.

to spend the Christmas holidays with tho former's father, W. E. Morton and other-relatives. "Christmas Bird "The Beautiful Star of Bethlehem" Carrie Robbins made special preparation for this Jefanstant companions that the parting service and should have a large "My Dream" Miss Camille Horning Rev. F.

M. Ove'ton, Pastor. hearing. Also, a Christmas message! Song Juniors will be delivered by Dr. L.

T. Free- "The Beautiful Story" Eva OFFICIAL FAMILY land, superintendent of the Seymour Adams. district Tomorrowwill be a great HAS BEEN NAMED (Continued from first page) day in all our services and may not "Cliristmas Boys "Good Will to Louis Adams there be a large attendance of the "The First Christmas membership and public. SCopyTlffhL Th Bobba-ilerriU Company.) "I suppose so. At any rate he Is proposing to her In the orchard, and wp sorrowrul for Carol's thoughts, frequently dwelt on their days of mischief In the old parsonage before Trudenee was married, remembering especially one April fool Joke that was decidedly on the twins.

The first of April In the Mount Mark parsonage was-. time of trial and tribulation, frequently to the extent of weeping and gnashing of teeth, The twins were no respecters of persons, nVl feeling that the first of April all things Justifiable to all men, they made life as burdensome to their father as to Connie, and Fairy and Prudence lived In a etate of perpetual anguish until the twins fell On Tuesday evening the Sunday 111 ments by the mayor-elect have been eagerly watched. Several surprises result from the announcement, although the public had made a fairly School will give their Christmas pro Lemp. Offering. "Story of the Littlest Maude Bird.

I am pretty sure she's going to accepVj gram, special preparations nave mm." Mrs. Forrest's arms fell away from Carol's shoulders. "Laik she been made for this and a fine good guess as to who would be sel Anthem program is assured. We most cordially invite the public to worship Monday evening 7:00 cantata, "Yesdidn't yon know Itr Carol's "Fathers Christmas Bell." with us tomorrow. ected to fill each of the places.

In speaking of the appointments, Mr. Burkart said that they were made with full realization that he was first of all responsible for the acts of voice was mildly and Innocently sur- St. Paul Evangelical Congregational Nazarene Church a Frrest was plainly 1 out with the daffe activities. The twins duttfounded. 'W thought It bordering I TJ Sunday School at 9 JL5 a.

in. Sabbath School 9:30 a. m. W. J.

his appointees and that he intended Christmas Exercises of the Sunday braham, superintendent. to see that law and order is enforced sfage of grown-up womanhood, but on School pupils at 10:15 a. m. with Preaching service begins promptly sermon by the pastor. Subject, "The at 10 :30 a.

m. Morning theme "Birth "Mel" Carol was Intensely astonished. "Me? Oh, dear Mrs. Forrest, whatever Jn the world made you think thatr tne nrst of April they swore they would always be young 1 The tricks were more dignified, more carefully nlannpit nn! nianfiniii. Glory of Christmas." of Christ." Younff People's prayer 'meeting at Delight your friends at Xmasl Give them these two new Starr Records on which the Jaarimba Orchestra the latest, most Eparklin novelty In "jaxzy-marim-ba music plays 41 Over -There," "Spanish Beauties" and "A Bunch of Roses," and Joe Belmont perfectly imitates a bird in a delightful whistling solo entitled "Birds and the The annual program rendered by 6 :45 p.

m. the child ren of the Sabbath School "TODAY, TM WELL" i Sayi Jackson Lady, And Thank Cardui For Her Good Health. "7l don 1 know faltered than in the days of their rollicking weakly, I Just naturally supposed It girlhood but they were all the more blm wher he heartbreaking on that account left his heart, and he said. 'At the par- The week before the tiit w. will be at 7 p.

m. Stereoptieon lectufe at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Christmas Story and the Life of Christ" Miss Lucille The public is invited to this special program. Cordes of Indianapolis will render C.

Preston Roberts, Pastor, several selections. Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. a beautiful sareguara. The twins, however, were too clever to -permit-this, and -their Christmas Cantata ji4be jrendered Evangelical Lutheran Church.

10 a- German service, No services in the evening. Children's Christmas service Mon with Mrs. August Cordes, as mm FINE FO 1 Dioooy. schemes were wrapped In mystery and buried In secrecy. On thO thirty-first of Connie director.

A cordial invitation is extended to eveAone. These two records will be something different than any of your friends now possess and Jackson, Ohio Mrs. Alice Scurlock, ol thi place, writes: "About three or four years I was In a very weak state. 1 suffered with my sides. They were sore and It Seemed when I would lay down at nights something seemed like It twisted and pulled in my sides.

I could not rest nights, I was so very nervous. At time I was worse than day evening. Musterble Loosens Uo Those like a plumber would If working by WJL Dorn, Pastor. will make a big "bit" with (Regular Christmas service Tues Stiff JointsDrives Out job. them.

Send them ti this "Merry You'll know whv thousands nse Mua. all her cherished nossesslons. 1 Christian Church 1.75 day morning at 10 o'clock. English Christmas service Tuesday -evening at 7:30. terole once you experience the filad re- The twins were In the barn, presum- Sunday School at 9:30.

Don't for-lief it gives. jably deep In plots. Aunt Orace was Ut vnnr VbTi Oift for th- Kins-" get your "White Gift for the King, a for only uet ajar ac once irora me nearest at tbe Ladles' Aid. So when Fairr others, the pain was much more severe. I had sick headaches.

My limbs would drug store. It is a dean, white ointment; came in, about four in the afternoon. get numb and this was disagreeable E. II. Eggers.

Christian Science. Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m. Sunday at 10 :45 a. m.

I doctored myself and fried different doctors I was very frightened of 'operations and felt I could not go through Everyone is requested to bring a white gift, the teachers having prepared a special program consisting of recitations, violin, solo's and 'class songs. Worship at 100. McGowen will preach the sermon from the subject "The Pain of Levi and Christian Suffering. Cliristian Endeavor Society at 6 p. in.

The Endeavorers will conclude Subject Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force lw Starr MAXON made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! Musterole la recommended ty many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck; asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago pains and aches of the back or joints sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and oOcJars; hospital sue $Z50 one; I had gotten down so nervous.

1 read of Cardui and decided to use it 1 there was pnfy Prudence io note the vengeful glitter In he? fine, eyes. And Prudence was so intent upon feather-stltcMngiqflie-hems of pink checked dish towels that she did not observe it "Where's papa?" Fairy asked. "Upstairs." "Where are the twinsr "In thj? barn, getting 1HB day." be eoatinnedjrrrrr Testimonial meeting every WeJ- esday at 7 0 p. m. To our services and to the reading room the public is cordially invited and welcome.

took II or 12 bottles. Today Pnj well and do hot have any nervous trouble. I am able to do my own work and feel so strong and well. My sides are all right, and I know Cardui did it I certainly am their program with 2000 feet of mov-1 stronger than Tnalong If you suffer from any of the troubles so Tharmagy (Pellcns' Old Stand) United Brethren Church Sunday school "6:00 airi." Preaching service at 10:30 a. m.

Park Mission. Sunday School at 2 :00 p. m. nig from IheuolySLand, These pictures are highly colored and we are assured appropriate for the Cliristmas occasion. Rev.

Franklin P. Smith will preach common to women, try Cardui. 0 Per Discount On 'alI hats sold this week. Hodapp Wiethoff. Thousands of women give Card-u-i credit for their good health.

NCB-10 Next time perhaps they wont be so curious DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS LiiL. I i i ii irpi rwi YM (3iB mFr.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


Who is famous from Seymour Indiana? ›

As the hometown of American musician and singer-songwriter John Mellencamp, Seymour, Indiana, inspired some of his most famous songs, such as “Small Town.” Funnily enough, though, Seymour is actually the largest of the six towns in Indiana's Jackson County.

Is Seymour Indiana a good place to live? ›

Great little midwest town to live and work in. Numerous jobs and occupations with great pay and benefits. Seymour has some of the best schools in southern Indiana.

What is the phone number for the Seymour Tribune newspaper? ›

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please call Customer Service at 956-982-6664 for the Herald, 956-421-9800 for the Star, and 956-683-4300 for The Monitor.

Is Seymour Indiana a small town? ›

Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana is the place to live your future! Seymour has a population of approximately 20,000 residents and is served by Mayor Matthew Nicholson, Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas and seven Councilmembers.

What is Seymour Indiana known for food? ›

Home to John Cougar Mellencamp, Seymour, Indiana, is a rural Midwestern country town with popular food choices like classic American and steakhouse favorites served in lodge-style restaurants and comfortable stops across the city.

What is the nicest city to live in Indiana? ›

7 Best Places to Live in Indiana
#CityCommunity Well-Being Score
4.Fort Wayne56/100
3 more rows
Sep 9, 2024

What is the poverty rate in Seymour Indiana? ›

The average household income in Seymour is $74,512 with a poverty rate of 16.72%. The median age in Seymour is 34.5 years: 33.1 years for males, and 37.5 years for females.

What newspapers does Tribune publish? ›

Tribune Publishing Company operates local media businesses in seven markets with titles including the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, South Florida's Sun-Sentinel, Virginia's Daily Press and The Virginian-Pilot, The Morning Call of Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, and the Hartford Courant.

Where is the Star Tribune newspaper? ›

Minneapolis, MN

Is the Philadelphia Tribune a black newspaper? ›

The Philadelphia Tribune is the oldest continuously published African-American newspaper in the United States. Christopher James Perry, Sr. The paper began in 1884 when Christopher J. Perry published its first copy.

What famous person is from Seymour Indiana? ›

John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp was born on 7 October 1951 in Seymour, Indiana, USA. He is a music artist and actor, known for The Perfect Storm (2000), Colors (1988) and Footloose (1984).

What is Seymour Indiana famous for? ›

The city is noted for its location at the intersection of two major north–south and east–west railroads, which cross each other in the downtown area. The north–south line (the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad) was built in the 1840s and connected Indianapolis to the Ohio River at Jeffersonville.

What is the crime rate in Seymour Indiana? ›

Seymour Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes27383
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.2517.72

What is Seymour Indiana known for? ›

The city is noted for its location at the intersection of two major north–south and east–west railroads, which cross each other in the downtown area. The north–south line (the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad) was built in the 1840s and connected Indianapolis to the Ohio River at Jeffersonville.

Was John Mellencamp born in Seymour Indiana? ›

Mellencamp was born in the small town of Seymour, Indiana on October 7, 1951. He is of German and Dutch ancestry. He was born with spina bifida, for which he had corrective surgery as an infant.

Are there any celebrities that live in Indiana? ›

Celebrities That Live in Indiana
  • Larry Bird. A towering figure both on and off the basketball court, Larry Bird is synonymous with Indiana. ...
  • David Letterman. For over three decades, David Letterman's name was synonymous with late-night television. ...
  • John Mellencamp. ...
  • Jane Pauley. ...
  • Jim Gaffigan. ...
  • Michael Jackson. ...
  • Jared Leto. ...
  • Axl Rose.
Mar 4, 2024

Why is Seymour called Seymour? ›

In 1841 the Government decided that the new crossing place was the likely spot for a town. Plans were laid before the Executive Council of NSW and Mitchell proposed the name Seymour which was approved on December 21st, 1843. The town was named after Lord Seymour, the son of the 11th Duke of Somerset.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.