The Galien River Gazette from Three Oaks, Michigan (2024)

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NEW BUALO TIMES GATEWAY CITY TO I KEEER New Buff alo Holds Graduation Exercises New Buffalo School Building To Be Redecorated Board Votes 1 A man Harry Beebe vice chair nan Calvin Wheeler district com missioned Robert Leaver chair a of" finance rank Chaddock 'chairman of organiza tion 'and extension Ed Merson Other members to represent the district on the executive board will be George Leever Harold Pringle CiMohr Troop representatives are Glenn Cowles William Ode brecht and Allen Lewis There are further appointments to be made as theTorganization is com pleted It was announced by Scout J5x cutive Oscar Noll that contacts are being made immediately with'1 the leaders in the1 communities of Hartford Bangor and Covert for the purpose of setting" up an organization for the second district and the completion of the first district' d' The council will circularize all boys from the ages of 9 to 16 in the new district advising them of ine new set up and sending them information on Camp Madron as well as other information Plans are also under to bring together the MScouters and those interested in Scouting ties new district in contact with the officials and Scout workers of the Berrien Cass Council so that com pletion of the organization work can take place vyithout delay and so that the boys may participate in all Council functions at once 'r WardSmathers a student at Michigan State college East Lan 'ing wp week end 1 guest of 'Miss Eion Snyder Miss Snvder Sylvia Vogeley Weds Jerry Hrubec Sat Marriage cof Sylvia Vogeley to Jerry Hrubec Stickney Ill was solemnized at 11 Saturday morning by Rev Mauch in the parsonage of the St Evangelical and Reformed church The bride wore a dress of dusty rose lace over rose satin with navy blue accessories and pink sweet peas and valley lilies in a bridal corsage sx Witnesses at the ceremony were the father James Nemecek of New Buffalo and the mother Mrs AgnesHrubecof Stickne Ill1' c7The couple will reside in' Stick 11U Jf Club Closes Meetings of the Year TJie Kew Buffalo club closed the meetings vwith a luncheon Tuesday May at Cal Grille a 1 The program consisted of atwo readings by Doris Mann from the ipe im Michigan5 ity The readings dvere Turns Reducing Each member? of the club gave' a toast to all the states in the Union These were written by Mrs Emma Lukes7 A1? short business meeting was held The club had a most successful year WALLACE Wallace Keefer on of Prin cipal Keefer and Mrs Keef er willgraduate from Michigan State college East Lansing op June 10th Wallace is a grad uate of the New Buffalo high school He attendedWestern StateTeachfcii college Kalamaxoo tor two pritir to transferring to Michigan State? where she ma jored in soils and agriculture He will graduate with 'a Bach elor of Science degree His parents and Mrsr Etta will attend' corn mencement exercises at East Lansing i a A New Buff alp1 Scouts lan Many i Summer Activities New Girl Scouts held their Home activity Thursday at the New Buffalo beach and dunes Miss Leona Ko pack honoaryGirl Scoutj was able to attend and enjoy the day with the'group of boys and girls An out door wa the main feature of the activ ities Games singing swimming and wading also provided enter tainment The Girl Scouts are planning to participate in the Decoration Day program at New" Buffalo and for the first time the majority of the 'girls will wear their uniforms Several girls are planning on at tending the Girl Scout 'camp at Camp Warren Tentative plans are being made for an extensive mer program Mrs Martha? Jones captain of Girl Scouts of New Buffalo has announced that the next meeting will be held June 5th Mrs Jones has left for Boyne City where she will attend the Nature Guide Train ing lnstitute conducted by the Michigan 'Department of Cdnser vation at Pigeon River State or est Opens New Off ice In New Buffalo Childs Three Oaks attorney has opened an office in the new arina building in New Buffalo Mr Childs will be in his new office from 1 to 5 Saturday aftnoons and at other times by appointment ATTEND INITIATION Mrs' Janet Van' Wert Mrs Em ma Lukes of New Buffalo Mrs Anna Knauf Mrs anny Sparling and Miss Helen Adams of Three Oaks attended ES? initia tion at the Niles chapter Monday night" A I Lx i A VrJ Mr and Mrs Led1 Marie and son Rex East Chicago and' Miss Beatrice Mann Valparaiso visited friends and relatives' here Sunday and Mrs' Kenneth Mann Hammond spent the week end with Mr and Mrs: Mann and Mrs Mary Mann 2 Miss Elsie Rithsatz Stevens ville is employed at the Beauty land over the week 'ends and will be here sready during the summer season It was announced at the Area Headquarters of the Berrien Cass Council eby Scout Executive Oscar Noll that plans have been com pleted by the regional and national offices of the Boy Scouts of erica and the officials of the Coun cil and the new territory of the western half of Van Buren county would officially become a part of this council The territory will in elude the townships of South Ha ven Covert Geneva Bangor HariA ford 1 Keeler Hamilton Lawrence Arlington and Columbia During the past three months negotiations have been under way with the South Haven Scout offi cials for the transfer of territory It is felt by everyone concerned that there will be a great benefit not only to the boys in this sec tion of Van Buren countyvbut to the present a Council' set up as well 'A A The senior Scouting program will receive great impetus because Sea Scout sailing races etc can be conducted between'1 St Joseph and South' Haven harbors 'The many activities affecting the Coun cil are also in line with the wishes of the group in the hew territory It is felt that with the Area head quarters in St Joseph service can be' economically rendered to' the territory with very profitable results' to all concerned New ield Executive 'To Bto fiAA'' Employed A' A With' the additional territory: it will make it possible to secure the' services of another field executive who will spend a portion Of' his time in both the new and old terri tory or some time it has been felt that the Council was in ur gent need of 'a part time exective? the new management the full time man can be This will 'take up the increased load which is now being handled hi the Berrien Cass Council be cause of theextensive growth arid the new territory which must be thoroughly developed The new arrangement' will call' for two more districts in the Coun cih The northern half of the coun ty to be known as District No: 9 and the southern half of the new territory to be known as District No '10 According to the records received from 'the regional officethere will be seven troops and one Cub pack added to the Berrien Cass Council This includes' 95 tenderfoot Scouts: 32 second class 11 'first class' 11 star 2 life and 1 this makes a total of 52 boys fj flV Walter Eidson1 of the board of supervisors an nounced today that he would be a candidate for the Republican nom ination of state senator in the forthcoming fall primary 1 His petitions he said be immediately circulated in both Berrien arid counties which comprise the seventh senatorial district Mr Eidson has long been promi nent on the county board He has represented Oronoko as its super for 11 succeeding the late 1 Sylvester who xwas a yeteranjof the board 'Two years aga Mr Eidsonwas chosen chairman of the Republi cans and this spring he was re elected ruit Grower And Veteran Long before Mr Eidson became a supervisor he was well known for he is a native son of Oronoko and has'been engaged in fruit farming on a large scale for many years During the World war Mr Eid son joined the army and in due season he went with the AE and spent 14 months in rance' Wants Better State Roads I am nominated arid Mr Eidson said today in announc ing his candidacy shall make a strenuous effort' to bring about greater improvement the At a recent meeting of "the arterial highways in both Berrien I South Haven the first counties Both US 12 and I one: to be the follow US 31 in Berrien still call for wid meiihave been 'elected on theenmgand improvement projects district committee District chair 6 need too a better rod be man Harry Beebe vice chair tween Benton Harbor and Dowa giac There are other highway im provements that this section is en titled to because of its traffic con gestion due both to resort trave I and the fruit industry If I am elected I shall exert every effort to secure these long over due im provements Over the years Mr? Eidson has taken a keen interest in both hor ticultural and agricultural affairs He is a member of the arm Bu reau and has been associated with other farm efforts and organiza tions He is a member of the Elks is married and with his family lives just outside of Berrien Springs New Buffalo Sophom*ores Spend Day in Riverview More than 30 sophom*ores en joyed riday in Riverview Park in Chicago Among those who at tended were Miss Embs Helene Turley Emma Kottsick Elaine Glossenger Merle Kunnath DorT othy Zander Bruce 'Burgoyne Ray Lubke Joseph' Arcuri Eleanor Gluth Lpuis Ginzer Mildred Va relMelvin Rose' JohnWiedri oft Phyllis Versaw Howard Kina Marlin Krueger Mariam Kelder house Judy SchraderBetty Brad ford Bert Covert Jean ette 'Karcavec Douglas Hut ton Vernom Webster Barbara Mott Betty Hart Casimer' Krv cka snr LrenefAA'7'nk Bar Barf Ko Alfred: Koth Joyce Shoemaker andecVbratedr her 18th birthdav Robert Shoemaker Monday Berrien Cass Council Expanded To Take in Part of Van Buren Walter Eidson Seeks Nomination or Senator Post The graduation exercises of New Buffalowere held Thursday night jn the high school Thisyear there has been a few changes made in i the Commence ment program Thils year the' Hew Buffalo band under the direction of Mr Votapka played the pro essional An other change' was hat they have a speaker irisi ead the three each gave a shorttalk The three were Helyrt Machalski thevaledictoi ian Eleanor Crosby the salutatorian and Eileen Snyder as honorable 1 A two eighth grade awards were giveri by Walter Rohde and Mrs Gilbert Lindberg The boys award went to red Deaner and the to Neva Krugeri Lester Potucek the president of the sen ior class presented the to Robert Best president of the junior class The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the dipdomas by Mr Berry New Buffalo Teachers Make Summer Plans it 1 New Buffalo teachers have dis barided for the summer and many willgo to summer school Miss Ruth sTaylor will remain in New Buffalo for four weeks to inspect home projects assigned to home economics students Miss Carol Seymour will take a course at Northwestern university Miss Iris Nelson will take a six course at Kalamazoo Miss Eleanor Embs will go to her home in Kalamazoo Miss Theta Harper will "go to her home in Springs and later to the upper peninsula Miss Marian 'Nazler will spend the summer at her in Evans ton Miss Dorothy Siegmund will visit in Chicago Miss Marian Wal gren will' remain at her home in Chicago iMiss Mildred Guhl will be at home in New Buffalo Miss Ma rian' Raymond will 'spend the time at Her home in Senecar Mich and later take a trip through the west Mr Berry will be at home in New Buffalo also Mr 1 Keefer Mr Mick will visit at Three Riv ers and Cory lake? Mr' Eby will spend time with relatives in Holland Mr Genetti will attend summer school in Detroit and Mr Votopka will visit' his mother in Kansas''J AUXILIARY 'I The 'Maccabee' Auxiliary met 'Mondays evening "at the home of Mrs Amelia Glazier Six games of pinochle were played with prizes going to Mrs Augusta Glossinger and Mrs Mildred Wilsom Refresh ments were served by the hostess Picnics by Various Classes Mark Close of School Piplomas Awarded The board of education at its last regular meeting decided to paint all outside doors and' win dows over the entire school build 7 irig It was decided one coat should be applied to the new addi tions and two coats to the original builing This job also will include i all scraping and wire brushing ne cessary prior to the paint appiica tion All metal work is also to be given one coat of aluminum paint Any painter interested in bidding on this job should have his bid in the hands of the board on or be a fore June 10 which is the next reg ular meeting date i 5 School Holds' 'Picnic School closed Monday with prac titcally 'every grade "enjoying a pic nic of some nature Several grades were out of town'for the day while others enjoyed the last day righton tho school grounds The loca tions of the various grades on the 'closing day were: Kindergarten and first grades the beach at New Buf falq second and third grades Tower Hill outh fifth sixth and Seventh grades' ox park Laporte eighth grade Silver Beach and" tenth grade Riverview' Class of 1940 The of 1940 is the largest class evei graduated from the New Buftalo high school oK lowing are 7 this seniors Helen Barr Barnes Dorothy' Behr? V(illiam Behr Ra chel BishopBessie Lumir Cerny Marjorie Cole Eleanor? Jenks DeVere Kelderhouse Bessie Ko ttsick Krueger Doris Kulin Milton Kurz' Caryle Lam port Jane McClqry Peggy Moffett 'Margaret Meyers? Helyn Michalski Glenn Moore Anna Patience Deh lia Payne Virginia Peterson Les ter Potucek Glenn Rhodes John Rohde Ervin Ruzicka Charles Schroder loyd Schuler Warren Shermak Donald Shoemaker Ei leen Snyder William Stranad Qeen Snyder 'Richard1 Vavra 'Robert Woods Thirty five 'boysandgirlscom plete their eighth grade work this year and are listed as follows: Paul Kuzdzal Pauline Nagel Au i gust Payne Joan Seaman Norma Shermak: Gladys Jen nie Rutkowski Raymond Valvoda Edna" Krueger Marian Weishaupt Robert Barrett Patricia Barrett Dorothy Gluth Ruth Burgoyne Gloria Troffer Jay Bell Dorothy leck rances Kanger Rose Hart rederick Deaner Earl Durlin Donald Asch James Barr Dorothy Pospisil Neva? Krueger Mary Ann Rohde Reva Brown Jean Kelder house Laverne Eggert 135 Guests Attend 13th Annual Galien High School Reunion One hundred and thirty five members and guests attended the 13th annual Galien high school potluck supper and reunion field Saturday May 25 in the Galien school i Edward Murdock county school commissioner from Three' Oaks gave address of welcome to members of this graduating class who were present at the af fair During the meeting Myrna Van Tilting was elected president the1' group She suc ceeds Carl Renbarger whoshas held the presidency for last year Other officers selected were Wayne Simmons Gary vice pres ident and George Decker secre tary and treasurer Ray? Babco*ck is the retiring vice president and Mrs 'Etta? Smith the retiring sec retary and treasurer Entertainment for the evening consisted of several readings and songs by Tom Warrilow of Gary Mr Warrilow is the Indiana state tail twister and' song Meader of the Lions club He was accompan ied at the piano byAl Green also "of Gary HURT WHILE BOWLING Robert Renkawitzis confinedto his home because of an injury that he received while bowling at Bow Saturday night OJ Wk wJHf Gets Diploma sc' iH IHiil a vx woS3K "MUrB mBKBbSmBSSkBEHHHHHHHHI.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.