Scholarship Database | Office of National Scholarships Advisem*nt (2024)

Accelerator Engineering Fellowships for Underrepresented Minorities (ASPIRE) January

Accelerator Science Program to Increase Representation in Engineering, or ASPIRE, is a Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory fellowship providing immersive learning experiences, at Fermilab, to undergraduate and graduate (masters) engineering students, who are historically and contemporarily…

ACS Scholars Program March

ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards of up to $5,000* are given to qualified students. African American, Hispanic, or American Indian high school seniors or college freshman,…

American India Foundation Banyan Impact Fellowship February

For 20 years the American India Foundation (AIF) has been sending a cohort of dedicated young people on the journey of a lifetime. A journey that makes as profound an impact on the people they work with and learn from, as it does on themselves. In these decades, an exchange has been happening…

Amgen Scholars Program February

Made possible through a 12-year, $50 million commitment from the Amgen Foundation, Amgen Scholars allows hundreds of selected undergraduates from across the globe to participate in cutting-edge research opportunities at world-class institutions. Students engage in a hands-on research experience…

Barrett Global Explorers Grant December

The Barrett Global Explorers Grant (BGEG) supports globally-focused summer research experiences that lead to the Barrett Honors Thesis. The BGEG is unique in that it is not a true "national scholarship" - this award is openonlyto Barrett students.

Blakemore Freeman Fellowship December

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of full-time, intensive language study at the advanced level in East or Southeast Asia in approved language programs. Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are intended to cover basic expenses at a graduate student level necessary to pursue…

Boren Awards for International Study January

The Boren Awards provide up to $30,000 to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The program focuses on geographic areas,…

CEAIE Teach In China Program February

The China Educational Association of International Exchange (CEAIE) program provides an opportunity for teachers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States of Americato live and work in China for twelve months.

The aim of the program is to promote…

Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Undergraduate Research Fellowship March

The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University advances multidisciplinary research and education on the religious dynamics of conflict and peace. By fostering exchange ad collaboration, the Center creates networks—local, national, and global—that expand knowledge,…

Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship September

The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service in which they can help formulate, represent and implement U.S. foreign policy. The Rangel Program will select 30 outstanding Rangel Fellows annually in a…

Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program February

The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs…

Churchill Scholarship October

The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States offers American citizens of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in engineering, mathematics, or the sciences (STEM) at Cambridge University. The Churchill Scholarship is among the…

Cobell Scholarship March

Cobell Scholarships offers aremerit-basedfollowing a lengthy application and referral process. Cobell Scholarship awards are disbursed according to US Federal Student Aid standards and the policies of the individual colleges and universities. The Cobell Scholarship is annual, non-…

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals November

TheCongress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionalsis a fellowship funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Department of State, that annually provides 75 American and 75 German young professionals, between the ages of 18½–24, the opportunity to spend one year in each…

Critical Languages Scholarship November

The Critical Languages Scholarship (CLS) Program provides overseas foreign language instruction and cultural enrichment experiences in 14 different languages:

  • Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, and Urdu: Beginning, advanced…
DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Undergraduate Scholarship January

The DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship supports semester- and year-long study abroad experiences in Germany, including participation in a study abroad program, individualized study, senior thesis research, or internships. Applications are accepted from sophom*ores and juniors.


DAAD-Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) November 30

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) program offers undergraduate students from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research…

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund April

The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. Early…

DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship January

The Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems.

The program fosters a…

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program February

The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program (DDCSP)serves to strengthen the conservation profession by inspiring and educating undergraduate students from across the country who can make significant contributions to broadening the field of conservation. The two-year program creates…

Eisenhower Global Scholars March

The Eisenhower Global Scholars Program sends four American university graduates abroad annually for an academic year of postgraduate studies at two prestigious European universities, the University of Oxford and IE University in Madrid, Spain, leading to a master’s degree and immersion in the EF…

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics December

The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest challenges college students to analyze the urgent ethical issues confronting them in today’s complex world. Students are encouraged to write thought-provoking personal essays that raise questions, single out issues and are rational arguments for…

Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities January

As Ertegun Scholars, the world's top graduate students in the humanities are brought together with one another and with Oxford's exceptional community of scholars in a unique setting that fosters dialogue across academic disciplines, across cultures and across generations. Building on this…

FAO Schwarz Fellowship Early February

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship is an intensive, transformative two-year experience in the world of social impact that includes focused professional development.Fellows work at high-impact nonprofit organizations in Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia. Host organizations vary from year to…

Ford Foundation Fellowships November

Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use…

Foreign Affairs Information Technology (IT) Fellowship February

The Foreign Affairs IT Fellowship was launched by the State Department to address its growing need for technology expertise in the field of diplomacy, in addition to increasing the representation of diverse groups among its service. The Fellowship is designed to attract outstanding individuals…

Summer Application - January 31, Academic Year Application - February 9

The Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships program provides allocations of academic year and summer fellowships to institutions of higher education or consortia of institutions of higher education to assist meritorious undergraduate students and graduate students undergoing…

Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (ASIA) October & March

Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) is designed to support U.S.-based undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East or Southeast Asia. The program’s goal is to increase the number of U.S. citizens and permanent residents with first-hand…

Fulbright UK Summer Institutes (f*ckSI) February

The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes that provide the opportunity for US undergraduatesto come to the UK on a three or four week academic and cultural summer program.

Participants will experience an exciting academic program at a highly regarded UK…

Fulbright US Student Program September

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program sponsors year-long experiences abroad including teaching, research, and study.

During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates…

Fund for Education Abroad September & January

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) was established as a 501(c)(3) organization in 2010 to address the need for an independent study abroad scholarship provider.FEAis expanding access to study abroad by raising awareness of its benefits to the individual and value to the collective,…

Gates Cambridge Scholarship October

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are offered to students who would like to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. Established in 2000by a donation of $210 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge, the Gates Cambridge…

GEM National Consortium November

The National GEM Consortium offers a fellowship program designed to offer opportunities for underrepresented minority students to obtain MSdegrees in engineering and Ph.D. degrees in engineering and the natural and physical sciences through a program of paidsummer internships and…

Gilman International Scholarship October & March

Provides support to undergraduate students who have been underrepresented in study abroad, including students with high financial need, first-generation college students, students from diverse ethnic backgrounds, those in underrpresented fields of study such as STEM, students with disabilities…

Glamour Top Ten Women Scholarship Setember

Each year for the last 60 years, Glamour has been recognizing 10 outstanding college women—including scientists, artists, activists, businesswomen, and athletes. The one thing they have in common—besides being college students? They're all incredible at what they do.

Goldwater Scholarship November

The Goldwater Scholarship is the most prestigious award for STEM majors. It is open to second- and third-year students who have outstanding potential and intend to pursue research careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering.

Google PhD Fellowship Intake Meeting - Feb 1, Campus Nomination Deadline - March 1, Final Submission Deadline - May 1

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to…

Harvard Business School - The Summer Venture in Management April

The Summer Venture in Management (SVMP) is a one-week residential educational program for rising and graduating college seniors designed to increase diversity and opportunity in business education. For the SVMP 2022, participants will be graduating (class of 2022) or rising college seniors (…

Hertz Foundation Fellowship October

The Hertz Foundation provides Fellowships to exceptionally talented individuals studying in the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences.

The Foundation looks to support the graduate education of America's most promising technical talent, the PhD-directed effort of the young…

Hudson Institute Political Studies Summer Fellowship February

The Hudson Institute Political StudiesProgram offers top undergraduates a fellowship in political theory and practice that will broaden and deepen their understanding of public policy and American political principles.The core of Hudson Institute Political Studies is asix-week…

Humanity in Action Fellowship January

The Humanity in Action Fellowship program brings together international groups of college students and recent graduates to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance—including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism—as they affect different minority groups today. The Fellowship…

International Parliamentary Scholarship (Germany) July

The International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) program is aimed at highly qualified young men and women who are interested in politics and who wish to play an active and responsible role in shaping the democratic future of their country. The German Bundestag, the German Parliament, offers…

James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program December

The James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace holds a rigorous national competition to select 10-12 individuals to serve as research fellows at the Carnegie offices in Washington DC. Fellows conduct research for books, co-author journal articles…

James Madison Graduate Fellowship March

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate Fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution at the secondary school level.

Applicants should plan to enroll in programs that offer courses on the…

Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program November

Founded in 1987, JET has sent more than 70,000 participants from around the globe to work in schools, boards of education, and government offices throughout Japan. By living and working in the cities and towns of Japan, JET Program participants become a part of their communities in a deeper,…

Johns Hopkins SAIS Public Service Fellows - Scholarship Program November (early decision) or January

The Johns Hopkins SAIS Public Service Fellows – Scholarship Program is for highly talented graduate students pursuing the Master of Arts in International Relations (MAIR) who aspire to a career in public service. Fellows receive a generous, 100% tuition scholarship to study at Johns…

Killam Fellowship Complete intake advising by Dec 1

The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in the United States to spend one or two semesters as an exchange student in Canada.This program, administered by Fulbright Canada,is…

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program October

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program selectshigh-achieving students from around the world with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment to receive full funding to pursue a wide-ranging graduate education at Stanford, with the goal of developing a new generation of global leaders. The…

Knowles Science Teaching Fellowship November

The Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) Teaching Fellows Program, the Foundation’s signature program, awards exceptional young men and women with five-year, early-career Fellowships, empowering them to become primary agents of educational improvement. These “backbone” teachers reach…

Latina Leadership Fellowship February

Esperanza United’s Latina Leadership Fellowship provides training, professional development, and networking opportunities for Latina women pursuing careers in research and/or policy advocacy. Latina women and othergender minority groups experience unique barriers and disparate outcomes in…

LeadNext Fellowship November

LeadNext builds a vibrant network of future leaders aged 18-25 from across Asia and the United States and supports their growth, impact, and capacity to address today’s greatest challenges.

Luce Scholars Program October

Established in 1974, the Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early-career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia. We aim to forge stronger relationships across geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans to deepen their ties…

Marshall Scholarship August

TheMarshall Scholarships fund one or two to three years of graduate study at any university in the United Kingdom.

Founded by a 1953 Act of Parliament, and named in honour of US Secretary of State George C Marshall, the Scholarships commemorate the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan…

McDonnell International Scholars Academy January

TheMcDonnell Academyis an endowed fellowship program that offers generous financial support towards graduate and professional degree studies at Washington University in St. Louis.Applications to the McDonnell Academy are accepted from graduates of universities across the world…

Mitchell Scholarship August

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program, named to honor former US Senator George Mitchell's pivotal contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process, is designed to introduce and connect generations of future American leaders to the island of Ireland, while recognizing and fostering…

Mount Vernon Leadership Fellowship January

The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows Program is a highly selective six week summer institute for current sophom*ores offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities at the home of America’s first president just outside our nation’s capital.

The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows…

National Geographic Young Explorers Grant Ongoing

Young Explorers Grants (YEG) offer opportunities to individuals ages 18 to 25 to pursue research, conservation, and exploration-related projects consistent with National Geographic's existing grant programs, including: the Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE), the Expeditions Council (EC…

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship October

Fellowships are awarded for graduate study in fields supported by the NSF, including the mathematical, physical, biological, behavioral and social sciences; engineering; the history of science and the philosophy of science; and for research-based PhD degrees in science education.

The NSF…


The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one of fifteen

Newman Civic Fellows January

The Newman Civic Fellowship is a national Campus Compact fellowship program to recognize and support outstanding students who:

  • Engage in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change
  • Take action in…
NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program December

The National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge (NIH Ox-Cam) Scholars Program is an accelerated, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding science students committed to biomedical research careers. The program is based on the British system, in which students perform doctoral…

NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program Mach

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to studentsfrom disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. The program offers:

NOAA Hollings Scholarship January

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Hollings scholarshipis awarded annually to students seeking careers in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology and education, in honor of long-time South Carolina Senator Ernest F. Hollings. Hollings served in…

Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarship January

Every year, the Pershing Square Foundation awards up to five full scholarships to support outstanding students on the 1+1 MBA, covering both the Master and MBA year. Pershing Square Scholars are exceptional individuals who can demonstrate the potential and commitment to finding scalable and…

Payne International Graduate Fellowship November

The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program seeks to attract outstanding young people who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Fellows work on the front lines of some of the most…

Point Foundation Scholarship December

Point Foundation (Point) is the nation’s largest higher education scholarship-granting organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students. Point’s multifaceted support of its scholarship recipients (“scholars”) extends far beyond direct financial contribution toward…


The Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA)Fellowship Programhelps students achieve a Master's Degree or joint degree, typically in public policy, public administration, international affairs or a related field. The organization does this through the intensive study provided…

Queen’s Management School North America N/A

This scholarship is for outstanding international applicants who choose to study postgraduate taught programs at Queen’s Management School.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Varies

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites Program supports a summer, 10-week active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research…

Rhodes Scholarship August

The Rhodes Scholarship provides full support for two years of post-graduate study in any discipline at Oxford University.

First offered to Americans in 1904, the Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world. Each year 32 young…

Rotary Peace Master's Degree Fellowships May

Each year, Rotary funds some of the world's most dedicated and brightest professionals to study at Rotary Peace Centers. Through training, study, and practice, Rotary Peace Fellows become leaders and catalysts for peace and conflict resolution; many go on to careers in national governments, NGOs…

Samvid Scholars Program March

The Samvid Scholars program was established in 2021 by Samvid Ventures to invest in the graduate education of future leaders who are committed to creating positive change in society.

Schwarzman Scholarship September

Designed to prepare young leaders to serve as a bridge between China and the rest of the world, Schwarzman Scholars is the first scholarship created to respond to the geopolitical landscape of the 21st Century. Whether in politics, business or science, the success of future leaders around…

Skoll Scholarship for the Oxford MBA January

The Skoll Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for incoming MBA students to the University of Oxford who pursue entrepreneurial solutions for urgent social and environmental challenges. The Scholarship provides funding and exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs,…

SMART Scholarship for Service Program December

The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully…

Soros Fellowships for New Americans October

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans awards thirty fellowships each year to immigrants, and the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate education in the United States.

Paul and Daisy Soros, Hungarian immigrants and American philanthropists, established their…

Soros Justice Fellowships March

The Soros Justice Fellowships fund outstanding individuals to undertake projects that advance reform, spur debate, and catalyze change on a range of issues facing the U.S. criminal justice system. The fellowships are part of a larger effort within the Open Society Foundations to reduce the…

The Hillary Rodham Clinton Award for Peace and Reconciliation January

Queen’s University will provide a full tuition-fee waiver to an exceptional female student from the USA who wishes to pursue study in a field related to politics, conflict transformation or human rights. The five MA programmes covered by the award will include:

The John Lewis Young Leaders (JLYL) Program Early March

The John Lewis Young Leaders program is a year-long fellowship that prepares college students for a future in community organizing and civic engagement. Throughout the academic year, fellows engage their campus and local communities in human rights work through a robust capstone project.

The Quad Fellowship Unknown

On September 24, 2021, Quad partners Australia, India, Japan, and the United Statesannounced the Quad Fellowship: a first-of-its-kind scholarship program designed to build…

The Undergraduate Awards May

Cited as the ultimate champion for high-potential undergraduates, The Undergraduate Awards is the world’s largest academic awards programme. It is uniquely pan-discipline, identifying leading creative thinkers through their undergraduate coursework.

The Undergraduate Awards provides top…

The Voyager Scholarship March

An increasingly globalized world needs young leaders who can bridge divides and help solve our biggest challenges together.

The Voyager Scholarship was created by the Obamas and Brian Chesky, Airbnb CEO, to help shape such leaders. Even though they come from different backgrounds, both…

The Washington Program February

From hundreds of applications, the Institute selects some of the nation’s best and brightest African American male college students to participate in its Washington Program.

Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program September

Funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, the Thomas R. Pickering Fellowship Program provides undergraduate and graduate students with financial support, mentoring and professional development to prepare them…

Tillman Scholars Program March

Founded in 2008, the Tillman Scholars program supports our nation’s active-duty service members, veterans and military spouses by investing in their higher education. Since the program’s inception, the Foundation has named over400Tillman Scholars at more than 100 institutions…

Truman Scholarship November

The premier national scholarship for those aspiring to careers in public service.Truman Scholars are future "change agents" who demonstrate the passion, intellect, and leadership potential that in time should enable them to improve the ways that public entities - be they government…

U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP) August

Spend two summers in an experiential-learning program designed to expose undergraduate students to U.S. diplomacy and the work of the Department of State. Established in 2014, thismeritandneeds-based opportunity is available to undergraduate …

Udall Undergraduate Scholarship February

Award for sophom*ores or juniors who aspire to environmental careers or for Native American students interested in health care or tribal policy.

Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship at The National Bureau of Asian Research March

The Undergraduate Diversity Fellowship at The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) offers paid four-month summer fellowships to extend educational, professional, and mentorship opportunities to Black and brown students who are community college students, freshman, sophom*ore, and junior…

University of Exeter Global Excellence Scholarship January or April

Postgraduate Taught Global Excellence Scholarships have been created to support students wishing to develop their academic potential and contribute to our thriving University community of students and staff from over 170 countries.

Global Excellence Scholarships recognise high academic…

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Diversity Fellowship Program (FDFP) October

The Foreign Agricultural Service Diversity Fellowship Program (FDFP) is a new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program that identifies and prepares individuals interested in careers in USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service. Those who successfully complete the program enter into the FAS…

Vice Chancellor's International Attainment Scholarship May

This award offers a 50% reduction on full tuition fees are available to exceptionally talented international students paying international tuition fee rates who will be starting their full-time postgraduate taught studies at Queen’s University Belfast.

William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security Fellowship November

Through the William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security (Clarke DS) Fellowship, you will embark on a career path that will take you around the world, providing protection to U.S. personnel, facilities, and information, while supporting diplomacy.

Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the…

Yenching Academy Scholars November

The Yenching Academy of Peking University is a competitive postgraduate scholarship program designed to prepare an elite class of future leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century global landscape. Yenching Academy Scholars receive full support to pursue a Master of Arts in China Studies…

Scholarship Database | Office of National Scholarships Advisem*nt (2024)


What GPA do you need to get a full ride scholarship to ASU? ›

ASU provides some scholarships that don't factor in GPA. However, for ASU merit scholarship recipients, eligibility hinges on completing a minimum of 30 ASU credit hours each academic year by the end of the spring semester, along with maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Is Fastweb a national scholarship database that can simplify your scholarship search? ›

What is Fastweb? The leading scholarship database, our platform is designed to simplify the scholarship search for high school, trade school students, and college students. No more digging to find scholarships you qualify for. Students create a profile and get personalized scholarship recommendations.

How do I know if I got a scholarship from ASU? ›

Scholarship awards are very competitive and if you are selected, you will be notified by the awarding office noted in the scholarship listing. We ask that you please not contact the awarding office regarding the status of the review or to see if you have been selected as a scholarship recipient.

How much is the dean's scholarship at ASU? ›

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Circle Scholarship Program recognizes the college's best and brightest incoming first-year students. Twenty incoming first-year students will receive a $1,000 Dean's Circle Scholarship for Fall 2023.

What is the average scholarship for Arizona State University? ›

The average need-based scholarship or grant awarded to first-year students at Arizona State University was $13,649. Additionally, 53% of first-year students received need-based financial aid in fall 2021.

What is the average GPA for a full ride scholarship? ›

Although a strong GPA helps increase your chances of getting a full-ride scholarship, you don't need a perfect 4.0 to be qualified. In fact, GPA requirements are most commonly set at a 3.0 average, with what's considered to be a "good GPA" typically being a score between 3.5 and 3.8.

Has anyone ever won a scholarship from Fastweb? ›

One Fastweb user put in the work to ensure she came out a scholarship winner: Congratulations to Gillian Tran, Fastweb's $2,024 Scholarship Success Sweepstakes winner! The Fastweb sweepstakes was open to high school, trade school, college and grad school students.

What is arguably the best scholarship search engine? ›

8 of the Best Scholarship Search Engines for High School Students
  • Fastweb. Fastweb is one of the largest scholarship search engines. ...
  • ...
  • College Board's Scholarship Search. ...
  • Niche. ...
  • Peterson's Scholarship Search. ...
  • Unigo. ...
  • Sallie Mae Scholarship Search. ...
  • CareerOneStop Scholarship Search.

Why are scholarships hard to find? ›

Another reason why scholarships are hard to obtain is the number of applications submitted for the same scholarship. Many scholarships receive hundreds of applications for an award that only has one winner. This means thousands of people could apply and not even be considered.

What is the Obama scholarship? ›

The Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service supports students who have a passion for helping others, experience serving their communities, and can demonstrate an expansive view of what's possible through public service.

How much is ASU tuition per year? ›

How do you know if you won a scholarship? ›

Scholarship winners are often announced within three months of the application deadline. How you will find out about your scholarship success will depend on who is awarding the scholarship. Often, you will be notified via the phone number or email address you provided in your application.

How do you get free tuition at ASU? ›

The ASU College Attainment Grant Program will provide tuition and fees (including the Barrett Honors fee) to qualifying students for up to eight full-time, consecutive fall and spring semesters as long as students continue to meet eligibility criteria and maintain at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average.

What GPA is required for ASU? ›

First-year applicants must meet at least one of the following: Top 25% in your high school graduating class. 3.00 GPA in competency courses (4.00 = A). ACT score of 22 for Arizona residents (24 nonresidents) or SAT Reasoning score of 1120 for Arizona residents (1180 nonresidents).

What GPA do you need for presidential scholarship ASU? ›

Renewable if recipient maintains a minimum 3.25 GPA and full-time enrollment.

What is the max GPA at ASU? ›

Cumulative GPA is based on total net hours. Although the plus/minus scale includes a grade of A+ with a value of 4.33, the cumulative GPA is capped at 4.00.

What GPA do I need to keep my scholarship University of Arizona? ›

Renewal Criteria
Year 1
Minimum GPA Note that GPAs are not rounded or recalculated for scholarship purposes.3.00 cumulative University of Arizona grade point average.
Minimum Units24 cumulative Arizona units completed by the end of the 1st award year to receive Year 2 of award

What qualifies as full time student ASU? ›

A minimum full-time course load for an undergraduate student is 12 credit hours.

How to get a merit scholarship in ASU? ›

ASU merit scholarships are awarded based on a combination of your high school GPA in core competencies, the number of those competencies you have completed or have in progress, and the degree program, residency and campus that you're admitted to.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.