Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (2024)

[Ed. note: This post contains spoilers for Fallout season 1, as well as information from the Fallout games.]

The Vault systems in the Fallout franchise are meant to be a utopia, a shelter away from the harsh apocalyptic Wasteland and nuclear fire.

Of course, nothing is ever as it seems, and a little bit of digging (Lucy’s journey in Fallout season 1 or playing to the end of Fallout 2) reveals that the Vault systems are actually a way to experiment on survivors. Some of the premises are so wild or impractical that it doesn’t seem like an experiment at all, and many failed spectacularly. (According to series creator Tim Cain, the purpose was to test humanity’s ability to travel through space, but this isn’t in any of the games so far.)

There are two experiments in the Prime Video show that we get to see: Vault 4 and the combined network of Vaults 31, 32, and 33. Something like Vault 4 is relatively straightforward: a society ruled by scientists. Unfortunately, the scientists’ experiments got out of hand, creating the monstrous gulpers and requiring a total restructuring of their society.

Vaults 31, 32, and 33 are a little more complex. These interlinked Vaults rely on each other, with the members of 33 and 32 arranging marriages in order to diversify their populations. Early on, it appears that 32 fell to raiders. However, Norm and Chet soon find that the inhabitants of 32 died long before raiders ever arrived due to a terrible famine. As for Vault 31, we learn that Vault-Tec executives are frozen in here, and thawed whenever a new Overseer must be installed.

If you’re curious as to the other Vaults scattered across Fallout’s vast canon, here is a list of the monstrous experiments that Vault-Tec carried out after the apocalypse.

Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (1) Image: Prime Video

Vault 4: Those poor, unfortunate scientists. Now populated with the survivors, combined with refugees from Shady Sands. Chris Parnell plays the good-spirited Overseer, with a slightly strange single eye.

Vault 8: A control Vault, which means there was no active experiment. After 10 years, the Vault opened and used its Garden of Eden Creation Kit to found the large and successful Vault City.

Vault 11: This Vault had a psychology test in which the occupants had to vote for one human sacrifice each year or else lose all life support. The cruel conclusion of the experiment is that if the Vault Dwellers did refuse to sacrifice one of their own, the Vault would open and allow them to leave unharmed. Unsurprisingly, this is not what happened, and the results were tragic.

Vault 12: What happens if the Vault door doesn’t seal quite right, and radiation filters in? The answer is Necropolis, a community of Ghouls.

Vault 13: The home of the original Fallout’s protagonist. Vault 13 was meant to stay closed for 200 years, but a faulty water chip led to one of their own trekking out into the world in search of a solution.

Vault 15: This Vault remained closed for 50 years, and the population was drawn from people of different walks of life and ideologies. Some of the population of this Vault went on to found Shady Sands, and eventually the New California Republic.

Vault 19: This Vault housed two societies, red and blue, each with one Overseer. What the occupants didn’t know is that they were flooded with subliminal messages to pit them against each other, which eventually culminated in civil war.

Vault 21: What if all conflict had to be resolved by gambling? The Vault would later be acquired by Mr. House and turned into a pleasant novelty hotel for tourists to New Vegas.

Vault 22: At first glance, it’s a botanist’s dream, in which the experiment is to develop plant life in the Vault with the help of sophisticated and advanced equipment. A parasitic fungus turned on the researchers and consumed the Vault.

Vault 27: Filled with double the sustainable population.

Vault 29: The age cap for occupants was 15 years old.

Vaults 31, 32, and 33: Lucy’s Vault (33), and the site of a lot of intrigue in season 1 of Fallout. The gist is that these three Vaults are interconnected, and 32 and 33 often exchange inhabitants to diversify the gene pool and create new generations. Things go horribly awry when the population of 32 is replaced with raiders, who attack — thus kicking off the events of the show. Lucy, and the other Vault inhabitants, do not realize that there is an experiment; they think this is the good life. And, as mentioned above, Vault 31 is there to house frozen Vault-Tec staff to bring into Vaults 32 and 33 as necessary.

Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (2) Image: Prime Video

Vault 34: The armory was stuffed with weapons, and there was no proper locking mechanism on the door. Eventually failed due to a riot and reactor damage.

Vault 36: Instead of proper food, the occupants were fed only a thin, watery gruel.

Vault 42: No lightbulbs of more than 40 watts were provided, which likely meant this Vault had a dim future.

Vault 51: This Vault was meant to test the limits of human tribalism, with an experimental AI running the show and selecting the Overseer. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the AI eventually killed the Vault’s occupants instead of rigorously testing them.

Vault 53: The equipment was designed to constantly suffer minor but repairable failures in order to study the effect stress had on the Vault’s inhabitants.

Vaults 55 and 56: In Vault 55, all of the entertainment tapes were removed. In Vault 56, they were all removed except for one really bad comedian. Truly, a terrifying fate.

Vaults 68 and 69: In Vault 68, the population only contained one woman. This ratio was flipped for Vault 69. This is one of the Vaults that feels especially disinterested in scientific curiosity in favor of cruelty; it’s hard to see any situation in which Vault 68 prospers.

Vault 70: The Vault stopped producing jumpsuits after six months.

Vault 75: This experiment was focused on breeding the perfect human, with failures being incinerated and successes joining the scientific staff to try and improve the process for the next generation.

Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (3) Image: Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks

Vault 76: A control Vault, and the one from which all Fallout 76 players emerge.

Vault 81: A Vault focused on researching diseases and antibodies. Similar to Vault 75, the residents were openly used as guinea pigs.

Vault 87: Experimenting on humans using the Forced Evolutionary Virus, which leads to super mutants appearing in the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3.

Vault 92: This Vault was filled with talented musicians, and then they were exposed to white noise that subliminally implanted combat suggestions. The musicians all lost their minds and descended into murder and mayhem.

Vault 94: Filled to the brim with pacifists and chill folk, this Vault was meant to prove the innate goodness of humanity. One year after the Great War, the doors opened, and raiders promptly blew the entire thing up.

Vault 95: Every occupant was struggling with an addiction to drugs, and this Vault was designed to study their withdrawal, and then reexpose them to an endless amount of chems. The Vault collapsed shortly afterward.

Vault 96: The Vault was filled with embryos that would be artificially raised to adulthood and then released into the Wasteland with robot companions and protectors.

Vault 101: A Vault designed to remain in total isolation from the outside world — until the events of Fallout 3 kick off, and the Lone Wanderer takes off in search of their father, James. It’s a fun parallel with Lucy and her search for her father.

Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (4) Image: Road to Liberty/Bethesda Softworks

Vault 106: Psychoactive drugs were released into the air after the door was sealed. We can only hope the inhabitants had good trips.

Vault 108: The Vault was left without reliable leadership, and during its isolation from the world, the survivors accidentally cloned a whole host of Gary. These clones stalk the Vault, only able to say one word: “Gary.”

Vault 111: The survivors in this Vault were cryogenically frozen, with staff, security, and scientists making sure their pods remained operational. The Vault failed in 2078, and 210 years later, the Sole Survivor emerges from their pod in order to find their son, Shaun.

Vault 112: Dr. Stanislaus Braun took a much smaller population into this Vault and hooked them into virtual reality pods, where they could experience a true utopia. Braun eventually became bored, and the experiment turned much more sinister as he hunted down each survivor in their virtual reality, killed them, wiped their memories, and began anew.

Vault 114: Members of higher social classes were welcomed into this Vault, only to find it overcrowded and minimally equipped. The Overseer was selected outside of the usual population, with the intent of finding the most ornery and anti-authority candidate possible.

Vault 118: This Vault was meant to be filled with the ultra-wealthy and the working poor. However, before the working poor could arrive, funding ran out. The rich inhabitants would remove their brains, implanting them in robots, in order to survive forever.

Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games (2024)


Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games? ›

Vault 11: This Vault had a psychology test in which the occupants had to vote for one human sacrifice each year or else lose all life support. The cruel conclusion of the experiment is that if the Vault Dwellers did refuse to sacrifice one of their own, the Vault would open and allow them to leave unharmed.

Are the vaults in Fallout an experiment? ›

While marketed as nuclear shelters to save a portion of the American population from nuclear war, the Vaults were actually a grand social experiment, each with a specific data-gathering purpose in mind.

What was the worst vault experiment in Fallout? ›

The Vault 11 Experiment:

Of all of Vault-Tec's sins, Vault 11 might be the worst. Vault 11 was standard except for one thing: an AI controlling the vault demanded the residents sacrifice one resident a year, or everyone would die. This yearly sacrifice continued until there were only five left alive.

Why was Vault-Tec so evil? ›

Sarah Milner of Polygon described Vault-Tec as having "little interest in saving the population – its corporate leadership was playing the long game, using the majority of the Vaults to conduct social experiments and scientific research, free from the restraints of regulations or ethics."

Did Vault 101 have an experiment? ›

The original and underlying purpose of the Vault 101 Vault experiment was to stay closed indefinitely, in order to study the role of the overseer when a Vault never opened.

What was the true purpose of the vaults in Fallout? ›

True purpose

Rather than act to save humanity directly, Vaults were built to test their population as part of the Societal Preservation Program.

Is Fallout scientifically accurate? ›

Although it takes place in a clearly fictional version of La La Land –– the robots and glistening, futuristic skyscrapers in the distance are dead giveaways –– the nuclear explosions themselves are shockingly realistic. Nath says that when a nuclear device is dropped there are three stages.

Is there a vault 666 in Fallout? ›

It's not on any official Vault-Tec registry. What secrets could it hold?” The Mystery of Vault 666 is a single-stage quest in Fallout Shelter. This quest is obtained from a quest clue, which can be found during an unrelated quest.

Why did Vault 111 freeze everyone? ›

A nuke on the horizon caused a blast all the way to Vault 111 with these particular survivors barely making it inside. Soon after, the residents were given their jumpsuits and were placed in stasis pods after being told deceitfully that the purpose of the pods was for decontamination.

What was Vault 21's experiment? ›

It was a goofy vault experiment - it put a bunch of gambling junkies into a vault, and encouraged them to solve disputes with gambling. Surprisingly the system worked, and the vault remained working until Mr House dug it up. House then used their 'legal' system against them and made a bet they had to take on.

Is there a Vault 0 in Fallout? ›

Vault 0 appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Is vault 32 evil? ›

Vault-Tec had darker motives, causing the Fallout apocalypse by orchestrating the bombing and exploiting survivors in underground shelters. Vault 32 was not what it seemed, with the residents having died two years before Fallout in a mass suicide after discovering Vault-Tec's secrets.

Why did people hate Vault-Tec? ›

In actuality, Vault-Tec was entirely dismissive of American values of democracy and equality and was run by what can only be characterized as complete psychopaths and sociopaths who delighted in human suffering, with the ultimate goal of world domination.

What was the Vault 69 experiment? ›

Background. Constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation, like the majority of vaults, Vault 69 was incorporated with a social experiment; no exact details are known other than that, of the 1000-person population of the Vault, only one inhabitant was male.

Why do you hallucinate in Vault 106? ›

By 2277, the Vault's interior is mostly destroyed and filled with insane survivors. The psychoactive drugs are still being pumped through the Vault's air filtration systems, as evidenced by the player character's vision suddenly being shaded blue at the same time that hallucinations appear.

What was Vault 92 experiment? ›

The world's best musicians were invited to Vault 92 with the promise to "preserve musical talent" during the Great War. In reality, this Vault was geared specifically for experimenting with white noise generators that implanted subliminal messages into the minds of its resident population.

Was Vault 76 an experiment? ›

Deemed the "Official Vault of the Tricentennial," Vault 76 housed 88 in total and acted as one of 17 control vaults as part of the Appalachia Vault Experiment. The experiment that Vault 76 housed appeared to be one of mere diversity, but it focused more on the adverse effects solitary has on an individual.

What is the secret of the vaults in Fallout? ›

The Secret Vault is Vault-Tec's private vault, designed as an underground research facility where its high-ranking personnel could survive the Great War and continue to develop scientific, biological and technological advances, behind the back of the Enclave and the vault experiment.

What was the Vault 22 experiment? ›

Vault 22 was a "green" vault, filled with scientists dedicated to their experiment: keeping the entire population of the vault alive with plants grown with its confines. The experiment could be said to have exceeded all expectations, but with horrific side-effects.

What was the Vault 33 experiment? ›

The Utopia Experiment: Vault 33 might have housed a control group, living a "normal" life within the Vault while other Vaults, like the nearby Vault 31, experimented with genetic manipulation.

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