[Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (2024)

An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      November 2022

      Go to the new map with Windows and Open Handed, and prepare to be blinded. It's almost as bad as Hawkins used to be. Just f*cking yellow everywhere.

      I basically never take Windows off any more though, so I haven't run into the vault things too much, but that doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Who thought knee high obstacles were a f*cking good idea?

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (2)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      November 2022

      Okay, what in god's name happened to this T-L tile?

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (4)https://youtu.be/492zk6_z3uk

      So many tiles are just impossible deathtraps for survivors now because there's sh*t f*cking EVERYWHERE.

      I also ran across this Z-wall at the edge of the map, which is almost a genuine loop because it spawned multiple trees that the killer can't fit through.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (5)


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      Fry Registered User regular

      December 2022 edited December 2022

      Do not understand the matchmaking

      I end up in games with big streamers from time to time, the kind with thousands of hours and are pretty good at the game. So my rating should be high?

      I also see someone DC or kill themselves on first hook in like 75% of games. Those people should have terrible ratings. (And it's hard to get anywhere near winning a game like that, so it's constantly sending my rating downward)


      Fry on

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      December 2022

      There's like a dozen gamebreaking issues with this patch on top of at least four or five massive gamebreaking exploits, and that's just what I know about. They've definitely turned down the DC penalty once again (though it's not gone), because console players in particular can apparently load into games and it thinks there's a mouse, so they lose all control, period. The game is just in a really, really f*cking bad state at the moment even before you take into account the already super sh*tty matchmaking. I've had multiple days in the last week where it was nothing but facecampers and/or DCers. BHVR needs to fix its technical issues yesterday, and start actually f*cking policing their playerbase. This is embarrassing.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (8)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      December 2022 edited December 2022

      Apparently the 'hotfix' today broke a sh*tload more things while leaving the Twins completely unplayably broken.

      Like, horrendously broke things. Inner Healing now just never deactivates, period. It gives infinite heals once you break one totem.

      And things like Alert/Fogwise are revealing auras for Undetectable killers.

      And Kindred no longer shows the killer's aura when near a hook.

      Oh, and BP incentives are broken again and despite what the game says, you never get any bonus.

      Just... just f*cking incredible work lately.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (10)


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      joshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular

      December 2022

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      December 2022

      I also saw someone dig up an old video of them talking about how facecamping should be a horrible strategy that guarantees a loss, so there's no need to punish it more than that.

      Meanwhile, basically every streamer is making a video about how you can facecamp without reprecussion as Knight while still pressuring all nearby gens.

      And people have figured out how to permanently stall games as both Pinhead and Knight. I've already run into one Pinhead pulling that sh*t.

      It is just baffling that they are not just allowing this but every patch is breaking things that were at least baseline functional before.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (14)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      December 2022

      Inner Healing thing is indeed pretty busted. Would recommend playing Plague, or maybe running Iron Maiden, if you don't want to deal with that.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      December 2022 edited December 2022

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (17)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8dB6gWd0_Y


      Cool, cool, cool.

      This is what it looks like from the ouside.

      It can also semi softlock you if you try to TP too far as Demo. The 'in the upsidedown' effect is just a black blob slapped in front of your FOV, and that never gets removed if your TP last too long.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (18)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      December 2022

      Just had Hens333 do the demo bug to me. Game was already over because someone got grabbed off a gen and quit, and we were just generally getting dunked on, so it was at least interesting to see it.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      December 2022 edited December 2022

      Winter event is live, and it's just the snowmen back.

      Except now they don't block a health state. So they're literally just a way for survivors to throw, which the event tome has challenges to do.

      Cool. Super cool, BHVR.

      What in god's name are they f*cking doing.

      Oh, and killers can enter them now too, which removes their TR. So all killers essentially have basekit Insidious now, which they're apparently all using to camp hooks.

      Awesome. Great. Wonderful. Lovely.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (21)


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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023 edited January 2023

      If you haven't logged in yet, make sure you do so before the winter event is over because they decided to add on an extra 700k BP bonus for how f*ckawful the Knight release was. Or a flat million for Playstation players since it was literally unplayable for a couple weeks.

      But don't actually play the f*cking game, because once again, DC penalties have been turned off (I could speculate as to which of the like 10 gamebreaking bugs at the moment could be why), so it's once again just nonstop people quitting 30 seconds in.

      And I see that "something needs to be done about tunnelling" is making the rounds with streamers. With the proposed solution being... more killer buffs, so they don't NEED to tunnel so much. Because that worked out so great the first time they tried it. God, this f*cking game's devs and community are going to give me an aneurysm.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (23)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Dev update

      Survivor HUD icons showing current activity or if in chase.
      Nurse blink attacks now special attacks (ie won't trigger things like Starstruck) and add-on rework.
      Massive Knight buffs because they think big patrols need to be incentivized (what in the absolute f*ck are they thinking here)
      Eyrie rework (made square shaped, and tiles moved away from main building)
      In-game challenge tracker
      Queueing improvements (basically that you can look at the rift/store and select challenges while queued)
      Ruthless Killer is now always a 3k, Merciless a 4k. Unclear if this also changes pipping. I hope not, because that'd piss me off a lot.
      More paid-only cosmetics are being converted to iri shards (Clown, Spirit, Ace, and Feng).

      Nurse changes are good, but unless the add-on pass is all massive nerfs, is only going to change her from hopelessly oppressive to completely oppressive. Knight buffs are f*cking baffling. He needs the camping bullsh*t nerfed and nerfed hard. Killer results better the f*ck not touch the pipping. I don't play killer a ton, but at least probably a third of my matches as killer are 8 hooking people and then f*cking around, because that easily still 1 pips, and everybody gets to play, have a chill time. Especially if some ass kills themself or DCs early. If they're going to change that to reward camping assholes who 4k with 5 hooks, sh*t's going to get even worse than it already is while driving off the chill players.

      Also, no word at all on the f*cking forever genlock bullsh*t. Yuck.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (25)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Currently if a competent Knight player uses their power, it's basically always quick tap to completely disable a loop. Any other use is almost irrelevant. Anything that encourages the Knight player to use the power in a way that is more interactive than that should make it more fun.

      I don't think making patrols better makes camping stronger directly, though it may do it indirectly by making it easier to push someone off a nearby gen while the Knight continues to face camp.

      Solo queue buff is a massive much needed improvement, and even a small nerf to Nurse (Starstruck can eat sh*t) is a step in the right direction. Hopefully they don't buff the add-ons too much, as they've shown over the years that they have no ducking clue what makes Nurse strong.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023

      It's the same flawed argument they used for increasing baseline slowdown. Now that there's more innate slowdown, killers won't run slowdown perks or tunnel. If he's meant to be setting patrols like that, then the camping part, whether hooks or generators, needs to be nerfed as well, not given even more buffs.

      As for Nurse, I didn't really realize it, but people are pointing out that the add-on rework they gave for Jenner's Last Breath is broken as absolute sh*t. After using her blinks, she'll be able to return to the original location with blinks instantly recharged and can fully blink again. The ability to just sit in an area and prevent anybody from being able to get near with that is revolting, and with two-blink range, even with no range add-ons, she'd be able to fully patrol the entire 40 meter circle around a center point in just a few seconds. And with them doing nothing about Brine/Overcharge/Eruption... ugh.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (28)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023 edited January 2023

      PTB is out and while Starstruck Nurse is out, and the range and recharge add-ons are gone, almost every other add-on was hugely buffed. 7 blink Nurse is back (Jenner's instantly recharges all your blinks and lets you continue chain blinking without fatigue), and if that wasn't bullsh*t enough, they buffed her Iri Matchbox so it makes her a full 110% movement speed killer with 1 blink. So she just chases normally until you touch a pallet or vault, then freely hits you. Yay.

      Apparently a MASSIVE unannounced Twins buff too. Charlotte and Victor can instantly move at nearly full speed and instantly attack when swapping between the two.

      Oh, the Twins thing is a bug and unintended. BHVR, what are you doing

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (30)

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      emnmnme Registered User regular

      January 2023

      ArcTangent wrote: »

      BHVR, what are you doing

      Working on DBD 2, I hope, built from the ground up with a fresh engine and 6 years of experience under their belts.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023 edited January 2023

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (33)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8gatNiN8Bg

      Lunar Event starts next week, but starting today, log-in rewards daily and promo codes every other day for the next week for past cosmetics from past events.

      Same envelopes and mechanics as last year, but also lanterns around the map that give temporary haste and vault speed.
      50k BP each day for logging in.
      Yet another Feng bunny skin in the store, this time in thirsty red instead of a hoodie (also lounge lizard Vittorio).

      I honestly do like both the new Feng skins (Amazon gaming one this month is a red recolor of the grey Scorpion suit I already use on her, don't like it enough to pay for it though), and the Doctor skin, which is also a recolor of the dapper red shirt/black vest skin I on him.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (34)


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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023 edited January 2023

      Out of nowhere, William Birkin skin for Blight.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (36)

      And nicer Ada/Jill skins, I guess.

      Aaaand Hooked on You Huntress/Spirit. Silly thirsty horror fandom.

      Also a sports collection for f*ck only knows what reason. To cosplay Jason as hockey Trapper, I guess.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (37)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Maybe he's trying to be Professor Sub Zero from the seminal Arnold Schwarzenegger film The Running Man. (Who was a goalie and had some bear-trap-like gear)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023

      My second game on this patch, playing Hag on new Eyrie. Feng gets hit and runs off, stops and tries to open an envelope next to the stairs inside, but is seemingly glitching the f*ck out and it won't finish. So I wait as she keeps f*cking with it, until she finally climbs partway up the stairs and manages to open it partially perched in midair. This finally finished, I swipe at her... and am teleported across the map and stunned.

      Just... what the f*ck are you doing, BHVR. All I can think is that I was teleported to one of my traps (it was in shack where I spawned, definitely left one there) that somebody disabled with a flashlight, which given all of Hags f*cking bugs, instead of disabling the trap, forcibly triggered it and stunned me somehow. f*ck if I f*cking have any idea though.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (40)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Solo queue buffs are massive, I feel like I have actionable info about what other people are doing (or not). Particularly seeing who is in chase is a game changer

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Role incentive for me for the past couple weeks has almost always been hard slammed on killer, so I've been playing mostly that lately, but I can't say I've seen a big difference the last couple days. Part may be that I tend to play more stealth (or 'stealth') killers and hit & run a lot, and things like Spirit/Wraith/Hag that naturally drop chase when using their power mess with the interface, but... eh. Maybe just people who are terrible at the game too. I did play survivor a few times today, but it was all f*cking Knights because of the tome, and just... f*ck Knight. I hate everything about him even before you get to the stacked slowdown problems in general. Hate playing against him. Hate playing as him. It's just hold W as best you can because he has zero cooldown on his power and instantly blocks every loop. At least f*cking make the guards respect vaults and pallets in some way. Bare minimum.

      I feel like Spirit's really clicked lately even though I use Furin/Yakuyoke instead of her super deadly super mobile builds. It's rare that I don't get at least one gen grab a game with that, frequently multiple, and probably been a month since a team has even legitimately finished all the gens while playing her (I often just farm after 8 hooks). I keep trying to make Artist work, but every match ends up really frustrating, even when I'm hitting my birds, but they're so finicky and the hitboxes are wonky. I wish Nemesis or Pyramid Head's add-ons had more variety, and PHead especially felt smoother to use, because I really hate when I'm playing a killer with no actual chase power and I come to one of the hojillion f*cking disgusting 3 pallets literally in a row into a window on the new maps. Maybe it's just time to play Clown. Blegh.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (43)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Drunkedly redownloaded DBD and had enough shards to buy all the non-licensed Killers.

      Artist is really fun, leaning into her bird motif and sending off a murder is quite satisfying. Dredge was too confusing for my drunk mind but the teleporting to lockers is cool.

      Knight is...well he looks cool? I dunno anything about him but his kit doesn't really seem to work.

      Had some good matches, won some, lose some, I think. Twas quite drunk.

      I rarely play Survivor but when I do it's always the "give info to everyone cause I'm on the hook" cause man I am bad and usually end up on the hook.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      January 2023

      One trick you can do with Artist that I really like is to use her purple Severed Hands add-on. Normally, people get about a second of grace time once they're swarmed before they can be hit with a second bird to damage them, but you don't get that extra grace time if it's from the swarm spreading because of that add-on. So if you're running something like Discordance or Lethal Pursuer that lets you see survivors grouped, you can stagger two birds aimed at the same spot and get cheeky snipes.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (46)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZwEnhO25vM

      It's also super useful in giving you extra time to hit people before they can get rid of them when the birds spread (the yellow dirt add-on helps too) because you don't actually have much grace period for that, especially if you shoot three.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (47)


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      Karoz Registered User regular

      January 2023

      As much as things must suck for survivors

      I haven't been able to sacrifice one for 5+ games sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......................

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      Fry Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Solo queue buffed again. Now you can see gen progress when people are working on gens. Lets you know when people are bunched up on the same gen, or if someone got pushed off a gen at 75% maybe you should go take over.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Yeah, it's super nice, although seeing a Nea or whoever's icon just literally never light up with any activity until you're halfway through a gen is... less than encouraging about your teammates.

      I'm also up to like 8 weeks playing Furin Spirit with nobody getting more than 3 gens finished except when I let them farm, and I can't help but think that people seeing that I'm chasing someone else is lulling them into false sense of security right before I phase over and yoink them. I got three gen grabs IN A ROW in a game on Midwich over the weekend. There is something deeply disgusting about that, and yet, oh so satisfying.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (51)

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      heenato Alice Leywind Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Karoz wrote: »

      Knight is...well he looks cool? I dunno anything about him but his kit doesn't really seem to work.

      honestly the knight's design is terrible. he's too good at shutting down a loop and nothing else so the only way to play as and against is hold W forever it's not great. It's the same problem artist had in the PTB where if you stayed at a loop artist was at you Just Lost. At least with artist they fixed that.

      M A G I K A Z A M

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023


      heenato wrote: »

      Karoz wrote: »

      Knight is...well he looks cool? I dunno anything about him but his kit doesn't really seem to work.

      honestly the knight's design is terrible. he's too good at shutting down a loop and nothing else so the only way to play as and against is hold W forever it's not great. It's the same problem artist had in the PTB where if you stayed at a loop artist was at you Just Lost. At least with artist they fixed that.

      They need to:

      1.) Make the guards much worse at chasing. There's no reason they should flat out just ignore/pass through pallets and vaults, and with some add-ons, you can't even outrun some of them, on top of the sh*tty jankiness like spawning on top of you and insta-hitting you certain places (eg the cylinder drop on Gideon).

      2.) Delay the way guards spawn and detect. It's crazy that they instantly spawn and start chasing if you're anywhere in a 24 meter radius, either with LOS or if you make a loud noise, even through the f*cking ceiling. Artist's anti-loop, for comparison, needs about the same amount of time to set up a single bird, targeted in a narrow line, and then has to manually fire it. If it's slightly too far or brushes against a wall, swarms instead of damages, AND can't doubletap people. It's f*cking stupid.

      3.) Add a f*cking cooldown to being able to drop them. It's like 3 seconds right now, which just makes the camping problem with him, be it gens or hooks, worse.

      4.) Do not let him use his power anywhere near hooks. The guard being dismissed when you unhook is woefully insufficient to prevent him from just camping the sh*t out of whatever he wants, and the godawful stacking gen kick nonsense at the moment makes that sh*t miserable. Most other killers are limited near hooks. Why the f*ck isn't he?

      5.) FIX THE f*ckING BUGS. Him being a budget Spirit because of all his bugs is f*cking inexcusable, and it's fifty times worse since the buff that makes his orb completely invisible and inaudible after a short range.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (54)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Evil Dead: The Game Going to have their next big update tomorrow which includes...

      a 40 man Deadite Battle Royale...Huh.

      Also more cosmetics for more characters than just Army of Darkness Ash, a new survivor of Ruby supposedly voiced by her actress from the show Lucy Lawless and no word on a new demon.

      Balance challenges have been eluded to but will have to see the patch notes.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (57)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FrjmADS6qo

      New killer is apparently sci fi. Would be nice if a map too, but apparently (according to a dev update), we're getting reworked Red Forest instead. Hopefully it'll at least be a little more compact if nothing else. That map is hell on Trapper/Myers, and way too many loops are just stupid, for and against survivors depending on the killer.

      Also, Eruption is being nerfed into the ground, thank god. It provided more regression than even Pop on a 99% gen. Now does 10% gen progress and gives 10 sec aura read on affected survivors, which seems of dubious value unless you're slugging, but whatever. It needed to be nerfed hard. Possibly too much here, but I will be happy to see the gen kicking meta dead and buried.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (58)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Evil Dead news, they hotfixed the broken leader auras that was causing even Supports to take down Bosses in like 3 hits, but stealthed in some other Demon nerfs as always so parking cars around the book end phase is at least temporarily still a thing.

      Ruby still synergies stupidly well with most folks leading to claims of her being P2W until they nerf her down the line like they did with David. Other than a skin for Puppeteer there isn't really anything meaningful for Demon side.

      Also Evil Dead is free on PS+ this month if you want to check it out.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      So... above I was talking up Furin... so this latest hotfix declare using it that was a bug and completely nerfed it into the ground so it no longer can be used to mask your phasing if you start outside the TR or if Oblivious/Undetectable.

      Except that's not really what they did.

      They did nerf Furin that way, so that it doesn't work at all if you're within 24 meters of the survivor.

      Except they also completely changed how her directional audio works. If you're phasing within 24 meters and they don't have line of sight on you, they no longer hear directional audio. All they hear is an omnidirectional whooshing sound.

      So... it's essentially old Spirit when you don't have LoS. Like... almost any loop that's not just a knee high wall.

      And that Furin playstyle still works because it masks you approaching so long as it's not in a wide open space. It's essentially basekit Furin when there's no LoS.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (61)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      February 2023

      What is Furin by the way?

      Doesn't ring any bells.

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      emnmnme Registered User regular

      February 2023

      I'd like a mode where perks are disabled like choosing No Items in Smash Bros. What if they disabled, say, 90% of the perks and made the remaining 10% inherent to all players. Every Survivor gets Sprint Burst, every Killer gets Whispers, etc.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Karoz wrote: »

      What is Furin by the way?

      Doesn't ring any bells.

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (65)

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (66)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      February 2023

      I'm too drunk to be clever!


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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Furin (Japanese word for wind chime) is one of Spirit's purple add-ons. It's supposed to make all survivors hear an omnidirectional whooshing sound whenever she uses her power.

      Before the hotfix this week, whether it activated was basically the same as if you could hear her TR when she started to phase, and nothing else. So if you started to phase when a survivor was more than 24 meters away, you could phase on top of people using it and they'd only hear the omnidirectional noise as if you were still far away. It also worked like this if they were affected by Oblivious, or you were Undetectable. Anything that masked your TR. All they could hear was that you were using your power. It was f*cking phenomenal for hit & run style play, or gen grabs. I liked to pair it with Ruin/Oppression and Surveillance. Surveillance would tell you when people touched gens, and you could phase from far away to snatch them off right off it. If you had Tinkerer or Plaything, it also made her basically the same as old Spirit where you couldn't hear which direction she was coming from at all.

      Some examples here (pre-patch).
      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (69)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaLmM8_tr78

      It acting this way was apparently a bug though. Now Furin simply does nothing whatsoever once you're within 24 meters of a survivor in phase, but the way Spirit's audio works was changed without noting it in the patch notes. Now, if you're within 24 meters of her in phase and DO NOT have line of sight, instead of always getting a directional whooshing sound at her position, you hear an omnidirectional sound, indistinguishable from the Furin sound as if you were far away. So Furin can't be used in chase like that any more (no longer respects Undetectable/Plaything at all), but regular Spirit in chase now sounds like a distant Furin Spirit so long as there's a wall or rock or whatever blocking LoS.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (70)


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      Karoz Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Thank you! Seriously I had no idea. I can barely keep track of the perks let alone the addons.


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    [Dead By Daylight] Lara Croft vs Vecna - Page 3 (2024)


    How much will Lara Croft cost in Dead by Daylight? ›

    Lara Croft
    Voice ActorHayley Atwell (Actress)
    Cost500 Auric Cells
    Menu Music
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    PlatformsPC, PS3, XBox 360, iOs, Android
    DeveloperCrystal Dynamics
    PublisherEidos Interactive
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    Viciously cruel with a cutting sense of humour, Chucky is a brutally effective killing machine. Using his diminutive frame to his advantage, he'll pop up when Survivors least expect it, chasing them down and introducing them to his trusty weapons.

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    Freddy Krueger — The Nightmare
    The Nightmare
    Voice ActorFilip Ivanovic (BHVR)
    Cost500 Auric Cells
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    Swedish pop artist Neneh Cherry was an early inspiration to Lara Croft's creation. Core Design, a subsidiary of Eidos, created Lara Croft as the lead protagonist of its video game Tomb Raider, which began development in 1993.

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    Inspired by pop artist Neneh Cherry and comic book character Tank Girl, Gard experimented with different designs, including a muscular woman and a Nazi-like militant. He settled on a tough South American woman with a braid named Laura Cruz.

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    How long to beat Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light? ›

    Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
    Main Story23812h 8m
    Main + Extras18613h 35m
    Completionist6529h 31m
    All PlayStyles48925h 11m

    How much is Lara Croft worth? ›

    Lara is the heir to the Croft family fortune. While her exact net worth is never mentioned in any of the Tomb Raider games, estimates put her at around $1.3 billion in total assets.

    How much would it cost to buy all characters in DBD? ›

    Characters cost 9000 iridescent shards, there are 17 killers and 18 survivors you can unlock with those shards, leading to 315000 shards required. You need to play 7159 matches minimum to earn enough shards to buy every character.

    How much does all DLC cost dead by daylight? ›

    Main Game: 30$ approx. Total: 240$. However, you can unlock some characters using shards, lowering the DLC price to only licensed killers, which would mean it would cost 91$ minimum for all Licensed characters. There are also frequent sales which hopefully can reduce cost under 120$.

    How much does the Alien DLC cost in DBD? ›

    Alien just released and isn't it kinda weird that it costs 11.99$? Every other chapters with 1 survivor and 1 killer was 6.99$ but now we get a chapter with a stupid skin so we have to pay more for that?

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    Author: Arline Emard IV

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6286

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

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    Author information

    Name: Arline Emard IV

    Birthday: 1996-07-10

    Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

    Phone: +13454700762376

    Job: Administration Technician

    Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

    Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.